22. Parallel World

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In a strange twist of fate, the Beatles found themselves cursed for one day, and their world turned upside down. All the girls who had once adored them, from Beatlemaniacs to random fans and even their own family members, suddenly harbored a deep resentment towards the band.

The curse seemed to strike with no warning. As they stepped out of their hotel one morning, they were met with a hostile crowd of girls who had once been their most devoted fans. Now, they were shouting hurtful words, throwing objects, and pushing against the band members as if they were enemies.

John Lennon, always quick with words, tried to defuse the situation. "Ladies, what's going on? We're the same lads you loved yesterday!"

But the girls were relentless, anger burning in their eyes. "You've become too famous, too snobby, too rich!" one shouted, echoing the sentiments of many.

As they tried to make their way through the crowd, their own family members joined in the hostility. John's Aunt Mimi, who had always been supportive, yelled, "You've brought disgrace to the family!"

Paul's younger brother, Mike, glared at him and said, "You've forgotten where you came from!"

The Beatles were stunned and disheartened. They retreated to their hotel, trying to make sense of the situation. But the curse wasn't limited to their family and fans. It seemed to affect random women on the streets as well.

George Harrison, trying to buy some groceries, was met with disdain at the local market. A cashier looked at him and said, "You're one of them, aren't you? The Beatles, who think they're above everyone else."

Ringo Starr, attempting to catch a bus, was met with a group of girls who refused to let him board. "No special treatment for you," one of them sneered.

They were trapped in a nightmare. Any attempts to explain themselves or their intentions were met with scorn and hatred. The Beatles retreated to their homes, isolating themselves for the day.

As the day wore on, they pondered the bizarre curse that had befallen them. John reflected, "I guess we thought fame was all we ever wanted. But it's funny, it's brought us more trouble than anything."

The curse finally lifted at the stroke of midnight. The band members, exhausted and emotionally drained, ventured outside to find a world that had returned to normal. The girls who had once hated them now returned to their adoration, as if the strange events of the day had never occurred.

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