21. Wax Figures

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In 1964, the Beatles made a rare visit to Madame Tussauds, the famous wax museum in London, excited to see their own wax figures. As they strolled through the exhibits, marveling at the lifelike statues of celebrities, they finally reached the room where their own wax likenesses were displayed.

John Lennon, ever the mischievous one, couldn't resist playing a prank. As he stood next to his wax figure, he decided to put on a show. He struck a dramatic pose, suddenly losing his balance, and stumbled into the figure. It toppled over and crashed to the floor, shattering into pieces.

The room fell silent as everyone turned to look at the commotion. John quickly thought on his feet, deciding to take the place of his fallen wax self. "Just keep cool, lads," he muttered to his bandmates as he froze in a similar pose.

Random visitors began to whisper about the "wax figure" that seemed strangely alive. "That one looks quite cheap. It's so tanned," a woman commented, staring at John in disbelief.

Paul, George, and Ringo couldn't resist the opportunity to provoke their friend. "John, don't move," Paul whispered with a smirk, "We're going to make you really stand out."

George decided to play a prank on John. With a mischievous grin, he pinched John's butt. John jumped in shock, and the group of Beatles burst into laughter.

But their laughter quickly turned into anxiety when a museum employee approached them. "Excuse me, gentlemen. It seems there's been an accident. Your wax figure is in pieces, and it will cost quite a sum to repair."

John stepped forward, his heart pounding. "Look, we're really sorry about this. We'll cover the damages, no problem."

The museum employee gave them a stern look. "Very well, but that's going to be a substantial amount."

As the group discussed how they would cover the cost, John stepped up. "I have an idea. I'll stand here in place of my wax figure until it's repaired."

The others looked at John in disbelief. "You can't be serious, John," Ringo said.

But John was determined. "I am. It's my fault, and I'll take responsibility. Besides, it might be a good laugh."

With a mix of admiration and amusement, the Beatles agreed to John's proposal. They paid for the damages, and John took his place next to his shattered wax figure, posing for pictures and surprising visitors who thought he was a remarkably realistic wax statue.

John Lennon spent hours and days in place of his wax figure, becoming a prank.

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