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"Good morning..." I said opening my eyes, seeing the cake mum had baked for me. "Breakfast in bed and cake? I'm feeling special!"

Mum laughed. "You are special, love!" she said kissing my cheek "Happy birthday, Clara. I love you."

She sang "Happy Birthday", we ate the cake and got ready for the day. The day was perfect, the best birthday I have ever had. The best birthday I could ever have. But there was something missing, or someone.

"Clary?" I heard Mum as she was entering my room, smiling. "Your father sent you this..." she said giving me an envelope with a heart stamp.

I opened it carefully, trying not to tear the heart apart.

My Dearest Clara,

Words cannot express how much I miss you and wish I could be there with you. This war has separated us, and I find comfort in knowing that I am fighting to ensure a safer and better world for you. As time goes by, my hope is that this will come to an end soon, so I can return to you. Until then, Clary, take care of yourself and remember that your father loves you more than words can express. I may be far from home, but my love for you spans across the whole world. So, put on a smile, my brave girl, and know that your father is thinking of you every single day. Happy 12th birthday, my Clara.

Love, Dad.

"I just wish he could be here..." I said as I was walking out of my room, heading to the living room, a single tear had just fallen down my cheek.

"I know, love... he is going to be here soon, I..." Mum started, but was interrupted by a hissing noise. We looked at each other, confused. "GET DOWN, CLARA!" She screamed.

All the windows broke, there was shattered glass everywhere. The light was blinding me. That was all I could see before it all went dark.


I opened my eyes, I couldn't see the blinding light anymore, actually, there wasn't any lights on. I couldn't hear anything, except for this ringing noise. I tried to look around, but I couldn't see much. I tried to get up, but I couldn't move much. I started touching around, what I could, that's when I felt my mum's cold hand.

"M-mum? Mum, I... I can't get up. What happened?" but I had no answer. If I had, I probably couldn't hear it. "Mum... what's wrong?"

My body felt like it was floating, then it all went dark, again.


I held my father's hand tightly as we walked towards the joyless gathering at mum's funeral. Tears were beginning to run in my eyes, but I didn't want to cry in front of all those sad-face strangers that surrounded me. Besides, I had to stay strong for dad.

"Clary!" I heard the first voice I had ever heard before. It was Susan, my best friend. I couldn't help but notice the beautiful black dress she was wearing, Su always had the best taste in clothes. "How are you feeling?" She asked grabbing my hand, looking at me with her sorrow eyes.

"I... I'm doing better." I was, in fact, not doing better, but Susan didn't have to know that.

"I'm really sorry for your loss..." Mrs. Pevensie was right behind Susan. "If you guys need anything just let me know, okay?" She said looking at Dad.

"I appreciate it, Helen." Dad smiled, sadly. "Actually, there is something we need to talk about..." They walked away. Dad only started talking when he was sure I couldn't hear.

When we got "home", he told me what they were talking about. He said that it was getting way too dangerous, and he wouldn't be there to protect me. After a couple of days, we knocked on the Pevensie's door. Mrs. Pevensie opened it, with a big smile on her face.

"Clara! We were waiting for you!" I was holding my dad's hand as tightly as I could. "Come in!" When I walked in, I could notice all her four children were staring at me. I haven't seen them in a while - except for Su, I never even talked much to any of them but Susan. "As I already told you all, Clara will be staying with us until her dad gets back home. She will also be traveling with you to the countryside!" Her excitement was killing me inside.

"The countryside?" I asked confused, looking at my dad.

"It's the safest place at the moment, love. I can't risk you getting hurt again." I tried to take a deep breath, I didn't want to get into this discussion with Dad again. He helped me with the all the luggage and then knelt in front of me. "Clara, I promise you it will not take long 'til we can be together again. I'm going to write you every single week, okay? And I'm sure you'll have lots of fun at the countryside with your friends."

I was so afraid of crying that I couldn't even speak. I knew that if I said a word I would cry my eyes out, and I didn't want to cry in front of the Pevensies, especially Edmund. Susan would always tell me he is "the most annoying boy she knows". Thankfully, my dad hugged me before I could cry. I hugged him back, trying to stay calm. Trying not to think about Mum, the war, or going away.

My dad had been gone for about half an hour. I was still very sensitive, trying as hard as possible not to cry. I was searching my bag until a boy opened the door, slowly.

"Clara?" It was Peter, the oldest. "Mum sent me to tell you dinner is ready."

"Oh, thank you!" I said, pretending to be as excited as I could, but not looking at him.

"Uhmm... Is everything okay?" I believe I couldn't hide the somber expression in my face. "I mean, you're hurt... I can see those bruises and cuts. Susan told me what happened, but I didn't know you were this hurt."

"It's almost healed now." Lie. "Don't worry about it, it doesn't even hurt anymore." Another lie.

"Okay... I'm glad. Now we should go, Mum gets mad when we are late to dinner."

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