Chapter Seven: Change the Prophecy

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After that whole mess, Aslan sent some creatures to help me clean myself, so they could take me to the feast. I didn't want to be there, how could everyone else act completely normal after what had just happened?

We all ate almost in silence, then they told us to go to bed, because we "needed to be well rested for the next day", and I mentally thanked them for that. I was so tired that my whole body was hurting, but I had a feeling that sleeping wouldn't be much easy that night.

I was back on the eastern edge - the one Aslan had taken me earlier that day -, sitting on the grass and watching the stars. I had been trying to hold my tears for a while, but I just couldn't do it anymore. So, I went to the place no one would find me, at least that's what I thought.

"Clara?" I heard a voice calling.

I turned around, hardly seeing him in the dark. "Peter?" I turned back to the view, trying to dry the tears from my face. "I thought you were in bed."

"Do you want me to get Susan?" he asked and I turned back to him, he looked scared and worried.

"NO!" I said louder than I meant to "Please, don't. I'm fine, just a bit tired."

"Just tired?" he said stepping closer. Peter looked into my eyes as soon as he was close enough to see every little tear.

"It's just..." I took a deep breath, taking my eyes out of his "I love dogs, Peter."

"Okay... I really like them too." he said confused, with a silly smile on his lips "What's wrong with it?"

"No, I mean..." I shook my head, gazing back at him "I would never hurt a dog. But I did hurt one today."

"That was a wolf, Clara."

"It doesn't matter! I killed it, Peter. How can I ever forgive myself for that?"

Peter held his breath for a couple seconds, then sat beside me on the grass "He was going to kill them, Clare. You did what you had to do to save your friends."

"But maybe I could've..." I started.

"Trust me, there's nothing you could've done differently. He wasn't a pet, and he wasn't a good wolf either. You shouldn't blame yourself for saving our lives."

"I just wish the prophecy could be changed. I wish we could all go back home. I even thought about begging Aslan so he'd try to change it, but he said that the Deep Magic is greater than him."

"You want to leave one war for another?" he said, looking down at the grass.

"We shouldn't even have to worry about wars, Peter, that's why we went to the countryside in the first place. I just don't want to believe that my fate is already sealed."

More tears came rolling down my cheeks. Peter put his hand on mine, trying to make me feel better and safer.

"I'm sorry, I sound like a little kid." I said taking my hand from his "I'm the Dame, I should be acting brave."

"No, Clary." he began, looking at me "The truth is: I'm scared, and I'm sure everyone else is too, we're just not brave enough to say it out loud. You're being braver than us just by saying it."

"It's just... crazy to think we might actually die in here. They said the Witch turns people into stone."

"Everything will work out. I promise."

"You know you can't promise that, Peter..."

"Clara." he closed his eyes for a second, breathing deeply.

"I'm sorry, I just don't know what to think."

"Just try to think about how amazing you were with that sword, because, damn, Clara, where did you learn all that?" he laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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