Driving to the Sands

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Jades pov:

We all get in the car and start driving.

"Ah, i really liked that jacket." Marc mumbles.

"Jade can you get me a new shirt?" Marc asks as he is handing me his jacket.

"Yeah just a sec." I said as i was getting him a new shirt.

" Here." I said handing him the new shirt.

"Thanks." He said.

After a bit of silence Layla says something.

"What was Harrow talking about?" Layla asks.

"I have know idea." Marc says but i know he is lying but i don't want to pry or anything because i am not one person to blame for others secrets because i so many, too many.

"I never told anyone why i really moved. I mean, but he knew, he just saw right through me." Layla says i can just tell she is hurt and breaking.

"He's just trying to mess with you. you know, he's trying to get in your mind. You know, he's got this idea that he can see true nature of people if that were true nature of people or some baloney like that. If that were true i don't think he'd have a bunch of homicidal maniacs as his disciples, would he." Marc says but i can just tell he was panicking in the inside because he is worried Layla would find out the statement that harrow said was true.

"So, Its not true what he said about you?" Layla asks.

"No, It's not true. No, he is just trying to divide us. Don't let him get in your head." Marc says trying to prove his point.

"Every time i learn something new about you, I think "That's it there possibly be any secrets between us." Then something new pops up and it's like i haven't know you at all." Lalya says.

"Yeah, you haven't. you don't." Marc says and that was the worst thing to say but it is not my problem.

"What about you jade?" She asks.

I turn to look at her.

"What about me?" i ask.

"What about harrow said about you?" She asks.

"It is true about what he said about me but i can't explain it now but after all this i promise i will explain it to you." I said.

"Okay." She said as she stops the car in the sands.

We walk out into the sand to try and solve the map but it is not going so well.

"Marc we need Steven." Layla says.

I can tell that marc does not want to.

"I can get Rebecka to try and solve it but i would not rely on it because she does not know as much as steven." I recommend.

Marc walks towards the mirror and rips it off. He walks towards the sand and kneels down.

Me and Layla look at each other because we don't know what he is doing.

"Alright, go ahead, your in." Marc says to Steven.

"Cheers, thanks a lot." Steven says his british voice very apparent.

"Don't need that, don't need that." Steven says.

"Steven?" Layla asks.

I look at the mirror and see Rebecka looking at him sadly because she has not seen him in so long.

"If you want me to ask him to talk to you after this map thing i can." I said in a whisper voice so only she can here me.

"If you can that would mean a lot to me." She says.

I nod my head slightly and go back to Steven and Layla to see whatever they are talking about.

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