The Tomb

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Jade pov:

"The eye of Horus." Layla says as she sees the finished drawing of it.

"Yeah look at that." Steven points.

"What." I said.

"Right, look the royal symbol of protection in the afterlife. I mean like the resources you would need to build this thing." Steven says.

"So what you think it is a map?" Layla asks.

"Yeah, well.........right so the eye of Horus is also the eye of the mind, yeah representing the six senses, six points. So you got the eyebrow that denotes thought's. Pupil, sight obviously. Tis point here is hearing. This smell. Touch. And this long line ending in a spiral is the tongue. The avatar would be Ammit's voice." Steven said while retracing the drawing.

"That's right." Layla says while nodding.

We walk into the next room.

"Oh wow, Heka priests judging by their masks and ceremonial stance. They would of been in here to protect the pharaoh." Layla says.

"What is a Heka?"

"What the heck's a Heka?" Me and Steven ask at the same time.

"They were sorcerers of there time, they have been down here for centuries. These must be some of the unlucky souls that have crossed their path. Right, an impressive send off." Layla said.

"Oh, my god. Oh, god are those chunky meaty bits." Steven says freaking out.

"Oh, yeah they are." I said poking a the meaty bits.

"stop touching that." Steven says gagging at the sight of me poking it.

I lift my hands up as sign of saying i will stop touching it. We walk in a hall.

"Oh, lets just keep moving yeah, just wait a minute i'm just seeing a lot of bones and blood going that way so i am thinking maybe there is a another, there is a opening there you seethat, yeah, we should check it out." Steven said.

"All right i will go." I said.

"Are you sure? you don't have too." Layla said.

"I will be fine." I said.

I start climbing up the thing when i get up there i see jars full of things. I hear grunting, i look down and see Steven getting up here. I help him up and he mutters a thank you.

"How's it looking?" Layla asks.

Steven starts talking about the stuff up there.

"She means if we can go this way." I said to Steven.

"Oh, yeah we can go this way." Steven says to Layla.

There is all of a sudden guns firing.

"Harrows men hide." Layla says to us.

I hide in the hall way to the ushabti.

From what i hear from up hear i hear grunting and clicking. After awhile i hear steven gasp then i hear a table fall.

"Run we will find you!" Steven says to Layla i am assuming. I see him run past me i go after him after awhile we enter a room that has a gold thing in the middle.

"Oh, my days you and me jade first one's in tomb fit for a pharaoh Thutmose II. Nefertiti. Oh it's got to be one of the big'uns."Steven says excited.

"What are you going to drown us now?" Steven says talking to marc.

I walk towards the pharaoh tomb i look at the writings.

"Steven come over here." I said.

He comes over and reads the tomb.

"Look at these relics. Macedonian, no. What, no way that's not right. that can't be right." Steven says.

"What's wrong Steven?" I ask.

"i think this is the long lost tomb of Alexander the Great." Steven said very excited.

Now i do not know much about Egyptian stuff but i did know Alexander was a big deal.

"Wait really?" I asked.

"Yes but i got to open it." He said.

He opens the tomb.

"If you are going to hide it for all eternity you probably put it the average looker would look.....well Alexander was the voice of Ammit." He said.

I realize what he had to do.

"Oh god." I said.

Steven gets rid of the bandages around his face and digs his hands down the throat to look of the ushabti. He finally he pulls the ushabti out.

"Yes finally." I said relived.

Layla enters and i could tell that she was not happy but Steven did not know that.

"Layla look we won. And the ushabti goes to us i mean i had to go down ole Alexander the Great's gullet but we found it." steven said not noticing Layla was pissed and upset.

"You alright love?" Steven notices how silent she was.

"Can he hear me?" Layla asks stepping closer to Steven.

"Alexander? I don't think so oh god i hope not." Steven says.

"What happened to my father?" Layla asks pisssed.

I step away not involving myself because i know how badly this is going to end up.

"What." Steven asks.

"I am talking to you marc!" She yells at Marc as she slams her hands on his chest.

"Come on lets go, we have to go now " Marc says panicked soon as he switched with Steven.

" No-Marc." Layla says as she is trying to escape his grip.

"Layla, Jade , we need to go right now." Marc says.

"Marc no what happened to my father?" Layla asks again.

"Listen to me we need to leave now i will explain everything i swear but we have to go." Marc says still trying to go.

"Did you kill Abdullah-El Faouly?" She asks once again.

"Of course not! of course i didn't! " He yellled.

"But you were there. Yeah, you were there." Layla said.

"I was there. Yeah, i was there." He admitted.

"And how did he die?" Layla asked trying not to cry.

"My partner got greedy and he executed everyone at the dig site." Marc said sadly.

Layla turned away crying and shaking.

"No but you brought right a killer to him, right." Layla said angerly.

"Yeah, he shot me that night too but i was supposed to die too, i didn't die that night and i should've ..... i tried to tell you from the night we met but i just didn't know how to tell you." Marc says still upset.

"Oh my god, that is the whole reason we met. you just had a guilty conscience." She said very angerly.

I hear a gun load.

"They are here we have to go." I said.

"I will hold them off you guys find away out." Marc says.

We did not argue because there was no time too. Me and Layla did not get out in time so we hide behind a pillar.

"Come on." Marc said trying to get harrows men to come in and they did including Harrow.

"Just you.....the rest is silence i remember the first morning Khonshu was gone it was liberating your a free man and of course that freedom comes with a choice and right now you have a very import decision to make." Harrow said.

"Okay." Marc said while nodding.

Harrow motioned for his men to move forward and then Marc cut off a man's hand. It happened so quickly Harrow shot his gun. i ran forward and tried to block it hitting him but the bullet hit me then him two times then we fell down. i felt free like floating in a black void i felt free for the first time for ever after the incident.

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