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DEFENCE AGAINST THE dark arts, what used to be most students favourite class was now dreaded by all. ever since the ministry had taken it upon themselves to change everything hogwarts prided itself in, defence against the dark arts had become a scheduled nap time for those that could avoid umbridge's gaze. 

lori slumped in her chair as she flipped through her textbook: defensive magical theory. in other words, magic for dummies. her question paper had been finished for the past twenty minutes, seeing as it included the same things she learnt in her first year. 

her eyes darted around the room as she searched for something to entertain herself. umbridge's horrendous outfit was enough to make her burst out laughing, but she had already spent the whole class thinking about it.

beside her, theodore nott had been scribbling all over his parchment for the majority of the lesson, his face scrunched up and the side of his hand covered in ink. his eyes flicked up to the girl next to him for a moment and he noticed that she was fully finished. sitting up slightly and scanning the room to make sure umbridge wasn't watching, the boy ripped off a piece of his parchment and scrawled a message hastily. he quickly slipped it across the table so she would notice.

 "you're done?" the paper read. the messy handwriting was unmistakably theo's.

lori shot him a very confused look, however he wasn't even watching her. he had gone back to his paper. she simply wrote back;


he sniggered a little under his breath at her bluntness. his smirk was evident.

"did you take arithmancy???"

"we're in the same class smartarse" she couldn't believe how self-centred this boy was. she was also wondering why the hell he was even speaking to her - did he even know her name? she was probably being daft, of course he just needed answers.

theo bit back a laugh and glanced over at lori. she was giving him a very obvious death stare as he wrote his reply.

"so you've done the homework then??"

"is this you attempting to ask me for answers nott?"

she slid the parchment across the desk and rolled her eyes as he nodded. he angled the parchment he had been using towards her - he had been catching up on homework all lesson; thankfully not struggling with first year skills. she snatched the note back and wrote what she thought would be her final response.

"i'm not giving you the answers. do it yourself and piss off"

it was now his turn to roll his eyes. ripping off a new piece of parchment since the original one had no space left, he wrote;

"your hair looks nice today. very nice natural colour you've got"

she couldn't help but smile at his attempt to suck up to her. she looks up to make sure umbridge still has her back turned before writing, 

"you're attempt to flatter the answers out of me has failed. you should know this anyway, we went over it."

theo scoffed as he read the note. with a smirk still on his face he scribbled back;


lori didn't even look at him before writing her reply and pushing it towards him.

"fuck you".

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