Chapter 11

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Skye felt the fire boil inside of her, anger increasing as she ran to the middle of the crowd and screamed at the top of her lungs, "STOP IT YOU MONSTERS! YOU SEE WHAT THAT THING DID TO YOU? IT DIVIDED YOU AND NOW YOU'RE ALL AGAINST EACH OTHER, AND SERIOUSLY HURT ONE ANOTHER!"

Everyone turned their attention on her, stopping whatever they were doing. Nobody else seemed to be hurt except for the boy that lay on the ground. Skye leaned over the boy, looking at his wound on his chest, and yelled, "Someone, get me something to stop the bleeding!"

However, she knew it was too late, that their was nothing she could do. She felt tears threaten to spill down her cheeks.

Someone brought over a fancy piece of cloth. From where they had gotten it from, she had no idea. She bit her lip, looking at the glass. Could she remove it without harming him more?

Before she could pull it out, the boy's bloody hands touched her hand, as if to tell her it was okay, that he would be okay, that he knew it wasn't her fault. He knew she was trying her best to save him, although it was beyond impossible. Then he tugged on her shirt, as if to try to make her get closer to him so he could say something.

His voice hoarse, barely audible, he whispered, "Thank you."

Now she could no longer hold back her tears. She let them fall down, down, so that they fell on his shirt. She did not mind that her hands were full of his blood. She tried to help him, gasping because of her sobs. However, his eyes stared back into space, and his lifeless form was now still and no longer moving. His lifeless form lay on her lap.

She let the rest of her sobs escape her lips, not caring in the least that she was drooling because of how much she was crying.

After what felt like hours of mourning the young man's death, she softly laid his body on the ground, and turned so that she was facing the whole entire group. Gathering up her saliva in her mouth, she let it out, spitting at them as if they were animals.

"Horrible excuses for living beings," she hissed.

After waiting for a while for them to have a reaction, she saw that they were most likely not going to react. They were all ashamed of how they had killed an innocent man, she knew it. Even though they were sorry, she couldn't find it in herself to forgive them, even though she didn't know the man. He just seemed like a good person, so young, perhaps no older than eighteen.

Although she knew she had probably criticized everyone enough, she turned her head one more time, hissing, "Think before you act, monsters."

The rest of the "resting period" was left in silence, nobody speaking a word or daring to rest their eyes. Skye felt that perhaps Joseph was wrong... no, this was her fault. But how could that have been her fault, those people fighting all of a sudden?

She found her hands fidgeting with her shirt, an unsettling restlessness overcome her fear. She could no longer handle sitting, and so she got up and began to pace back and forth, trying to steady her thoughts. However, nothing seemed to work. Not even the fact that everything was beginning to calm down, that people were beginning to get back to normal. She hated everyone here. Perhaps, just maybe, the figure had a point. She could kill everyone, considering how careless about life they were, anyways. But no, that was her old self speaking to her. She couldn't let that part of her take over, not ever, forever.

After pacing for quite some time, she sat back down next to Kaya. Looking over at her friend, she wanted to see how she was feeling about all this. Kaya didn't show any emotion, just a blank emptiness. So she quietly asked her friend, "How are you holding up?"

Kaya smiled, a weak, yet comforting one, and then responded, "I could really use a drink..."

As soon as she said that, Skye could barely stifle her laughter. It was more of relief, that perhaps her dear friend would be okay, that they would survive this horrible tragedy. They both would, as well as Joseph and maybe 45, escape out of this wretched place. Many times, however, she had heard guards talking about how they were on a spaceship hovering over Earth...

No, that would not stop them from escaping. To keep her mind positive, she responded, "When we get out of here, I'll get you one myself."

She made sure to steer clear of the word "if" in that sentence, not wanting to trigger any fear in anyone. Especially not after that catastrophic occurrence resulting in a death.

"I'm going to go grab some food," she whispered, and then quickly added, "For all four of us."

"Five," Kaya reminded her, motioning her head to Gloria. "I'll help you."

"No, it's okay," Skye said, refusing her help. She wanted to think about a couple things on her own...

"You sure?" she said.

Skye nodded.

Considering Kaya was her best friend, she would listen to her when she said to get some food for Gloria as well. But later on, if they got out of this, she would not do anything for that bitch. She was much too... annoying. Insensitive, as well as immature.

Walking over to the food counter, she felt the ground underneath her shudder. Barely having time to catch hold of herself on the counter, she looked around herself to see that not everyone was as lucky as her.

"What the fu-" she began, right before she noticed some of the shelves tip over slightly.

"MOVE!" she cried out.

Everyone moved out of the way of the shelves as they fell forward, knocking others, and knocking other__just like dominos. People barely had enough time to run out of the way of lamps, and even desks as they slid around the floor. The lights shuttered off and on, and glass sprinkled everywhere. Pieces landed on people's body, some of them having too much glass, so that they ended up dying.

Skye, even, was barely able to dodge all the shards that came her way, except for one. It hit her leg, digging deeply into it.

"Gah!" she cried out.

That would definitely leave a scar.

Noticing that most of everyone did not have a hold on something, she shouted for everyone to grab something, to keep themselves stable. It would prevent extra injuries, although she wasn't fully reassured that it would.

Whatever was causing this, a familiar threat on some people and making it extra scary...

Well, they knew how to play by the rules very well.

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