Chapter 19

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As soon as Skye saw the stove explode, she dove for cover. However, there was nothing to cover herself with. Thankfully, she was unharmed except for the fact that she had strained her leg. Turning to her side, she saw that Gabriel had a long burn mark on his face.

The explosion didn't end. Instead, it started a fire, spreading like the fires in the woods. It was so fast that Skye barely had enough time to jump out of her spot before it was engulfed in flames. Turning back to Gabriel, she saw that he had escaped as well, and that he was unharmed besides his face. Her eyes watering from the smoke, she looked for the others. However, the smoke was so thick it seemed to disorient her and Gabriel. They both wandered aimlessly around the room as if they were blind.

Eventually, she heard someone calling for help. Following the voice, she was angry to see that it was none other than 23. It seemed as if he had just woken up, and was now very confused as to what situation he was in. The worst part was that he didn't seem an ounce worried about anyone. He was just worried about if he would get out of here alive.

"If you want to get out alive," Skye spat, "you'll have to help us find the others."

"What do you mean, 'us?'" 23 asked, genuinely curious. "Who's with you, your shadow or something? Looks like you banged up your head really hard or something like that."

Skye was about to shout at him, to cuss him out. However, since Gabriel hadn't stepped in... was he...?

She turned her head, only to find that she was alone. "Gabriel!" she shouted, looking for the man she hadn't bothered call friend until now. How come... No, he was alive. He had to be. It wouldn't make any sense if he were... she couldn't find it in her to say the word. It was too... it made her nervous now, because she really didn't want to lose everyone she knew and loved.

"Gabriel!" she called again, tears falling down her face from sadness, smoke, and pain. "Gabriel!"

"You have a name for him, I see," the boy said, chuckling as he raised himself to stand next to her. She finally couldn't hold it in, so she began to scream and yell as she punched and cussed at the boy.

"Asshole! Jerk! Dick! Son of a bitch!" she cried, punching him and kicking him. "Fuck off, you asshole. FUCK OFF!"

She had punched him so hard, his nose now looked broken. Blood was dripping down his ears and nose. However, he did not seem phased at all. If anything, he found it amusing. He began to laugh hysterically and fell to his knees. Eventually, he began to hack because of how much smoke he inhaled when he was laughing. Skye did not offer any help.

"Let me name myself," he said after a moment. "I'll be Tom."

"Well, Tom," Skye derided, "if you haven't seemed to notice, this whole room is going to blow up if we don't get out of here!"

"Well, then," Tom said, straightening himself, and looking at the exit. "You can go."

He pointed to the doorway, where it lay wide open. "But you will have to leave your 'friends' behind. If you don't, you will most definitely die burning, or perhaps suffocation. It really depends on which gets to you first."

Skye grunted her disapproval as she dragged Tom to the wall, putting her arm over his throat as she jeered, "Ha! As if. We're not getting out of here until we find at least one other friend."

She spoke so loud, perhaps that was what made her notice Skye.

"Skye?" someone said from in the smoke.

Kaya came out, running, a look of relief on her face.

"Are you okay?" she asked, noticing Skye clenching her fists and grinding her teeth. Perhaps she should've asked Tom, considering his condition at the current moment. However, it was obvious that Skye wasn't doing very well. She looked like she was about to cry, if anything. Or perhaps it looked like she had been crying very hard.

It's because of the smoke, Skye tried to convince herself.

"Yes, but this boy-"

"Let's go, sweetie," he said, dragging Skye out of the room, Kaya running after them. Skye was so surprised by the boy's strength. How could he do this with such ease? Had he really not been trying all this time, intentionally getting beat up by her? No, that made no sense. So how did he get so strong in such a little bit? It was not logical. In fact, nothing here was logical.

"You dick! Let go of me!" she screamed, flailing and not caring in the least that her leg was hurting her the more she flailed. "Let go of me! Let me go find the rest of them! They're going to die if I don't!"

"You promised that if we find at least one of them, we could leave," Tom said. "I'm smarter than you think. I listen very well."

As he took them outside, Skye found herself crying like a helpless child. No, she couldn't cry. She had to fight back, to find them. She could do this. She had to just escape this monster that called himself Tom, get inside before the whole building collapsed, and find them. Although... she had to come up with a better plan. The smoke was much too thick to see through. So how would she get through the whole room and find everyone? Not to mention the fact that her leg would most definitely slow her down...

The whole room collapsed, just as Kaya came running out.

"NO!" Skye shouted, dragging herself back to the room and clawing at the floor as she let her tears hit the floor. Joseph. Gabriel. Gloria's body... all of it was gone. Thanks to her, because of her stupidity. Why did she have to plan to escape?

Now you know the consequences, the figure's voice hissed in the room. However, there was no one there, besides Tom, Kaya, and her.

"Why? Why did you try to help me escape? Why didn't you let me stay inside? WHY?" Skye shouted, shoving the boy into the wall so that he gasped as he spit out blood. A crooked grin formed on his face as he whispered, "To fulfill my mission, given to me by someone you know, of course."

"And what is that?" Skye asked, her eyes red and puffy from crying.

"To kill the one you love most," he said, right before he brought out a knife. "And then, I can watch you in agony as you mourn her loss. Haven't you guessed already? I didn't come here for no reason."

Skye was caught so off guard that when he shoved her to the floor, she couldn't help herself up so that she could go and save her friend. Tom quickly jumped over her with so much agility, now she understood why he let her beat him up. That way, she wouldn't suspect anything. After all, he had pretended to be such a coward very well.

Kaya tried to fight back. However, he was much too strong for her. He quickly overwhelmed her.

"Say goodbye to the daylight, young one," he smiled, tipping his head to the side. "It's a shame it had to be you. After all, you were the one to welcome me to the group most. I actually liked you, of all people. Perhaps that is why Skye chose to befriend you."

He drew his knife, taking a step closer as he straightened himself.

"Goodbye, X - 18. Or should I say... Kaya."

And that was all he said before he stabbed her in the stomach, blood dripping down as he dug it deeper each second. Then he twisted the knife in one more time, as if to make sure that he truly would kill her. After doing so, he rushed away. 

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