Chapter 25

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Skye awoke to a blazing headache. She could barely keep her eyes open from the pain; probably because she had hit her head. After looking to her sides, she noticed that her vision was blurry, and she could barely make out the wrecked ship. She couldn't find Joseph, though. Pushing herself upwards, she looked around herself, trying to find him. How would she be able to see him? She could barely make out the pieces of the ship. So how was she supposed to find her friend? No, friend was too strong of a word. Ally sounded much better.

"JOSEPH!" Skye called, her vision slowly clearing so that she could actually see where she was going. "JOSEPH!"

It felt like the world was spinning around her, out of control. It made her feel like falling. She wanted to give up already, to fall down. She felt too weak to do anything. Her hands were shaking, her breath was caught in her throat. She was tired... scared, even. All she wanted was to live a happy life, with no bad things and no hatred.

Her vision finally cleared, and she could see everything. However, now she felt like sobbing. The world... was basically an empty field of dry grass, blowing because of the warm wind. It seemed basically empty, except for the one man laying on the ground, his eyes closed.

The one man lying on the ground!

She quickly dashed to where Joseph now lay, gasping as she saw the state he was in. He was hurt... because he tried to protect her. This was all her fault. Joseph was hurt because she couldn't protect herself, because he was trying to protect her. She did this to him... and even though he had taken so much from her, she felt her eyes well with tears.

After shaking her friend a couple times, Joseph's eyes opened. He looked to the side, where Skye sat down, waiting for him to show her that he was okay, that everything was okay.

"S-skye," he gasped, his voice hoarse. Skye's eyes wandered to where his stomach was, and she saw a huge piece of metal sticking out of it. He was dying.

"Yes?" she said, her voice shaky. "What is it? Do you need something?"

Joseph choked on his own blood, and then smiled.

"I'm sorry I did this to you... I knew I would die if I did, but I wanted to save you-"

"Joseph, what are you talking about? You're scaring me."

"The man... he gave me a portion of his ability. But if I used it, I would die. But I wanted to save you... At least you could get out."

This is what the man wanted all along.

He knew Joseph would never make it, since he would use his power. This was all a part of his plan.

"I'm probably not going to make it, so I want you to do me a favor," he said, his voice still hoarse and almost inaudible. "Live a life, don't be sad because we're gone, okay? Can you do that for me?"

"Joseph, please don't do this to me-" she began, but he interrupted her by squeezing her hand tightly.

"I'm sorry, Skye, that I never was there for you. Please... Promise me, please? Can you promise me that?"

Skye could no longer keep her tears in her eyes, so she let the spill. Dozens of tears slipped down her cheeks, and every time she wiped them away, a couple dozen replaced these. She let a sob escape her lips as she nodded her head, finally agreeing to what he had said. She was going to lead a normal life, or at least... as normal as she could. She took in a deep breath and watched as Joseph smiled one last time. Then he grew still, his breathing stopped.

She was all alone.

Once again.

Blur wasn't even there to comfort her, tell her that they would get revenge together. Looking around, she found her journal, as well as Kaya's. Kaya... would she be happy to know that Skye had escaped, even though she used to help of her murderer.

You got what you wanted, Skye thought to herself. So stop whining.

So why did she feel so sad, so wrong? She had never felt this guilty before for killing someone. So why did she feel so guilty? She didn't even kill the man. In fact, it was his own fault that he had died. She had to stop thinking like this, to start thinking for herself.

Deciding the best thing to do was to find any sign of life, she began to walk around the area, trying to find some sort of life sign. Her friends... they would have been disappointed as well, with what the world had turned to. Finally arriving to a small town, it looked almost empty, except for a couple of people on the sidewalks. Looking around, she found a bar.

She remembered her promise she had made to Kaya:

"How are you holding up?"

Kaya smiled, a weak, yet comforting one, and then responded, "I could really use a drink..."

"When we get out of here, I'll get you one myself."

She would get her one herself. And now she couldn't do that.

Or maybe she could.

"No, Kaya," Skye said in between sobs. "You're going to survive, okay? Just like me. We're both going to survive. I have to get you a drink, remember? I promised you I'd get you a drink after all of this was over. You can't leave me... How else am I going to fulfill that promise for you?"

Kaya smiled. "Oh, you're still going to get us both a drink. I guess I just won't be there to share it with you."

Looking down at the two journals, her eyes wandered to Kaya's journal.

I'm not ready yet, Kaya, she said. Her eyes did not tear up, however. She no longer had any tears. She couldn't cry anymore. How can I do this without you? I... don't have anyone else... not anymore.

She could almost hear Kaya's voice in her ears, responding, Oh, come on Skye! I'm right here, by your side! So you don't have to worry.

But how can I go on?

Easy. I want you to live a life. Don't hold back because I'm no longer here. Life is so valuable, I don't want you to lose it because of me. I don't want to be guilty, so... just live your life, okay? Oh, and also! Fulfill your promise, will ya? Go get me a drink, as well as yourself.

Her eyes wandering back to the bar she had found, she bit her lip. She didn't really want to go in, because if she did, who knew if she would be able to leave? Drinking was the only way to escape this pain... So she may never stop.

But she promised Kaya.

"Alright, Kaya," Skye whispered, taking a step forward. "I'll live on. And I'm going to get you a drink, just like I promised."

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