two | smart-mouthed sister

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I sit in a first-class seat. My social worker left me alone at the airport upon being called away to another child's case. A young stewardess—Miss Rachel—keeps checking up on me. She gives me snacks that go untouched and rough blankets when the sun goes down.

My senses are heightened. My heart rate continues to increase. I bounce my leg up and down, to calm my nerves. It's been a long time since I was forced back onto a plane. 

Early in the morning, the plane lands in New York—not New York City, a cozy, smaller town close to Vermont.

  I clench onto my backpack at the front of the massive airport. Waiting. Waiting. I smile when the thought that my brothers might have decided to not take me back, and I'll return to England today, creeps into my mind.

  I unfasten my mother's locket. She smiles at me, her hair wavy and her teeth pearly. A tear slides down my face and lands on her. I wipe it away with my sweater's sleeve, clasping it shut.

  In the corner of my eye, I see a man walk towards me. He wears an ironed black suit and has gelled, jet black hair. "Might you be Miss Evelyn Rhodes?" The man asks me with a stiff tone.

  "My name is Eve, not Evelyn, but yes," I reply in an equally awkward chord.

"Alright then. I'm Benjamin, your personal chauffeur. Mr. Rhodes sent me to collect you." I shrug, and follow him to his dark limousine. If I'm kidnapped or murdered, at least I can have an enjoyable ride.

  Benjamin doesn't try to talk to me as the limo rolls out of the airport. I keep my mouth shut and my eyes glued to the vibrant scenery outside. The buildings are tall, and people bustle around.

  It's nothing like my old town in England. People walked calmly. Days moved by slowly. Not many villagers owned cars. We walked. Here, it seems as if people have three cars per person. I sit in the car, overwhelmed and in awe.

  "We'll be driving for another couple of hours, Miss Rhodes. Your brothers live in northern Vermont," Benjamin says, glancing at me through the mirror. I nod, and turn my head backwards slightly.

  A faint gasp leaves my mouth. A black car drives behind us. It's bulky and high. The same type of car is also on our left and right. I whip around to the front and see the same car in front of us.

  We're being cornered.

  "Mr. Benjamin, a few cars are following us," I explain in a mild manner. Benjamin chuckles, looking amused.

  "You're an observant girl, Miss Rhodes. You know of your brothers' business. Mr. Rhodes informed me of that," I nod along, suddenly feeling simple. Those cars are our security. "Your brother wants you to be protected. A Mafia princess is vulnerable," He smiles at me.

  I make myself smaller in the seat, letting my straight hair fall before my vision. My eyes close eventually, and I gladly welcome sleep.


Someone lifts me up

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Someone lifts me up. I startle awake, and stare into the gray eyes of the brother I loved the most when I left—Luke. His jaw is prominent. His dirty blonde hair has become brown. The sparkle in his eyes still remains, even though his hands are stained with other men's blood.

  As kids, we did everything together. He was ten when I left, but he still wanted to spend his days playing prince and princess with me. "I'll be Princess Ev and you are Prince Idiot," I would tease him.

But he would be downstairs, laughing with the others at night. He was not too young to be cruel. He would still go to the warehouse. Our Father believed in starting my brothers on the killing streak as early as possibly. He made them turn from sweet boys to cruel beings.

  Luke smirks, which snaps me back into reality. I try to get down, squirming profusely, but he only grabs onto me tighter. "Let me go, Luke," I say in annoyance, squirming in his hold. Luke laughs at my discomfort.

  "Haven't set my eyes on you in years, little sister. Eight, huh? You're quite skinny now. Easy to hold," He steps inside the manor I grew to despise in England, and sets me down in the foyer.

  I cross my arms, examining the place. Photos still adorn the walls, many featuring my childish, beaming face. The old Persian rug remains untouched, yet recently dusted. The crystal chandelier sparkles above the sturdy deep brown staircase.

  "Never got a decorator after I left? This place could use a touch-up," I ask, raising an eyebrow. Luke laughs, leaning against the doorway that led into the parlor. A smile is on his lips.

  "You got feisty. Your little British accent is adorable, though." My face burns with rage as he says this. I narrow my eyes.

  "What are we waiting for? My entourage?" I ask as the door opens. I whip around to see my two eldest brothers, Alexander and Sullivan. My skin pales and my heart drops into my intestines.

  I have had no time to prepare to see them. I thought I'd be able to steer clear of them until at least dinner. I can feel the beating against my chest. I feel as though I am about to choke on air. My hands shake and my skin is clammy.

I can't look at them with my once innocent eyes. I no longer see them as my knights in shining armor, my brothers who would ride me around the house on their shoulders. My view of them has been tainted by the grim truth.

  They look different. Of course. It's been almost a decade. Alexander now has a firm face structure and a polished outfit. Sullivan follows suit. They could be twins. Their hair is gelled. Their eyes are dim.

  "Ah, my sweet Evelyn. So nice to have you home. It's been quiet 'round here," Sullivan greets, a smile on his lips.

  "Eve," I say, my body tensing.

  "What?" Sullivan's eyebrows crease.

  "My name. It's Eve."

  Luke barely stifles a chuckle. I glare at him. Alexander steps closer to me. I step backward. He stops and frowns deeply. "Your legal name is still Evelyn—the name we called you for your first seven years. It will remain the same," Alexander says.

  "Since when do you care about things being legal? Isn't your job to be a murderer?" I challenge him, a wave of confidence taking over me that is not diminished when Alexander's gaze hardens. Even Luke's eyes go wide.

  "Hmm," He walks towards me, tilting my chin to meet his eyes in a shockingly gentle grip before I can avoid him. "You've become a talker, my dear sister. I'd advise you to tone down that newfound attitude. It won't serve you nicely in my home."

  He stalks up the stairs before I can respond. Sullivan says, "Good to have you back, Ev." He disappears around the corner. Only Luke and I are left to stand in the foyer.

"He let you off easily. I would have had my hide tanned. You've been back for fifteen minutes and you're already the favorite," Luke sighs in disbelief.

  "I don't want to be his favorite and I'm not. I'll be leaving this household shortly. I belong in England, away from you criminals."

  Luke grin, amused, "How do you plan to get there, little sister?"

  "I have my ways," I mutter.

  "We'll see 'bout that. Come with me." He waves his arm, and I begrudgingly follow him up the stairs to my old bedroom.

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