eight | mafia friends

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Daphne drags me through the hallway once the bell rang, signaling we're allowed to go to lunch. She kept chattering on about how much fun we'll have together. "My brothers also work for yours. They're soldiers," She says. 

"Soldiers? So they just do my brothers' bidding?" 

She shrugs. "I guess. My dad's a Capo," then Daphne randomly grins, "You should come over on Friday! Everyone is!" 

"They are?" 

"Yes, obviously. Since you're here now. We should celebrate!" 

She leads me to a circular table. The canteen has a whole wall that is just a window, revealing the courtyard. A few picnic tables are situated in the fresh air, but no one occupies them. It's only 3° Celsius outside. 

Four other students sit at the table. The two girls smile at me. The two boys smirk at me. "Who's the cute girl, Daphne?" The brown-haired one with faint muscles peeking through his uniform asks, looking me up and down. I narrow my eyes at him. 

"This is the Rhodes brothers' little sister: the famous Evelyn!" She exclaims excitedly. 

All of their eyes widen. "They have a sister? Since when?" The blonde girl asks. 

"Why's she so small?" The black-haired boy notes. 

"Well. Where have they been keeping you?" The brunet boy says, grinning. 

I'm about ready to blow. But then Daphne shoves me into a seat beside the black-haired boy. Daphne takes a seat beside me. They're all staring at me, until the ginger says, "I like your hair, Evelyn. That bow is so cute." She's smiling. I smile back. 

"Thanks. Um, what's your name?" 

A flash of embarrassment runs through her green eyes. "Oh! I'm sorry. I'm Aria. I think all of our families work for yours," She says, examining the others. They nod in agreement. 

"Yes! Everyone, introduce yourselves." Daphne instructs. 

"I'm Lavender," The girl next to Aria says. She smiles gently at me. 

"Silas," The boy who called me 'cute' says. 

"And, we've saved the best for last, I'm Porter." The boy with black locks goofily grins at me. It's seemingly contagious, so I smile back. 

If only he was my brother. 

Speak of the Devil, the twins stroll into the canteen. All eyes turn to them. I turn around, but immediately roll my eyes and face away. They have girls glued to their sides, and all of their friends talking to them. 

Luke smirks at me. Logan glances my way, his eyes lingering more on Silas and Porter than me. They go to a table in the back of the cafeteria, but fellow students still flock their way. I roll my eyes, and turn back to Daphne's friends. 

Porter begins to complain about his science test. Aria jumps in and says she's sure she's flunked. Lavender giggles, and says, "You all are a bunch of drama queens. You know the school play is coming up, right, Porter? Go try out in it." 

Porter scoffs playfully, a smile on his lips. "I beg your pardon! You say that like it's an insult." He says in a British accent. Silas rolls his eyes, looking my way. 

"That's not nearly as adorable as Evelyn's accent," He says. I feel my face burn. Why is he complimenting me so much? I've had little interaction with males, besides my first few months after Mum died, when I stayed with her drunk of a boyfriend. 

"I'm not trying to be adorable. I'm trying to be accurate," Porter says. 

"Why do you have an accent anyway, Evelyn? Have you been at a fancy English boarding school?" Aria asks, her eyes gleaming with excitement. 

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