Chapter 7

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"yeah baby, I will but u- AHHH!" it was Namjoon-- he was talking to someone on the phone while walking by the edge of the college swimming pool and suddenly someone kicked his butt causing him to fall in the pool.
He balanced himself in the water then turned around with a furious expression but it softened when he saw the person that pushed him, standing a little distant from the pool while checking his nails "what the heck was that seokjin!" Namjoon yelled
"What else.. my leg accidentally pushed ur stupid ass when u were talking to ur baby" seokjin said in a sassy way but then changing his tone and expression to a mocking one while saying the last word.
"Wait.. so ur trynna say that ur leg just did that on its own!" Namjoon said with disbelief look
"At least make an excuse that actually makes sense!" Namjoon said
"Whatever.. it makes sense to me. And yeah.. watch where u standing next time u talk to ur baby" seokjin said, again mocking the word 'baby' before walking out the pool room
So.. let me tell y'all how Jin ended up in the pool room- he was walking passed the room to go to his next class, when he heard Namjoon talking to someone. At first he didn't wanna eavesdrop but then he decided to listen and when he heard Namjoon saying 'baby.. if u do it then I promise I'll bring ur favorite!' Kim seokjin didn't even know what got into him when he found himself walking towards Namjoon- who was at the edge of the pool, and directly kicked his ass
Namjoon was staring at the exit with a confused look "what's wrong with him" he said to no one and then went out of the water with his now ruined phone.

It was the second last period of the day, Jungkook was walking to his locker while thinking 'why the heck is he getting so many compliments when he was supposed to look like the ugliest creature in the planet'  he groaned internally

"Heyyo.. jungkook! Wait for me!" Jungkook looked to his side when he heard his name being called and it was none other than Jung hoseok that was yelling while running towards him. Jungkook rolled his eyes "why u yelling hyung! I'm right here!" He said in a scolding manner when hoseok came close "hehe.. I thought u can't hear me so.." hoseok said, scratching his nape.

They were talking while walking to their locker, none of them looking ahead aandd "AAAAAAAA" suddenly jungkook slipped on something, he screamed then held hoseok's hand who himself lost balance and they both fell on the ground with a loud *thud* which caught a lot of attention from the students nearby. Everyone gawked at the boys that were now sitting on their ass. The poor boys tried to stand up but again fell cuz of the slippery floor. They both groaned and hoseok looked up to see Jackson looking at them with open mouth just like his camera 

"BITCH! STOP RECORDING! COME AND HELP US!" hoseok yelled glaring at Jackson who quickly shut his phone and mouth and came towards them then helped them both get up. They looked under their feet and then their palms which were also covered with the substance they slipped on, they could tell that it was oil. Jungkook clenched his hand tight and glared at everyone "whoever did this will pay for it" he growled before slowly walking away from there to the nearest restroom, followed by hoseok. No one dared to say anything but when they were out of sight, few of them burst into laughter while few just left to do their own business while others praying for the one that did this. It was obvious that the oil being there was not a mistake or accident because who the hell walks around the college with oil and accidentally drop some and that too, right in front of THE JJK'S locker. And all this while, someone was recording everything, from the fall till jungkook and hoseok getting up, "aand.. sent!" That person excitedly said before leaving the hidden spot.
"Argh.. why did he have to drag me into his fight" hoseok said while limping towards the sink "so u know who did it" jungkook said with gritted teeth, hoseok scoffed before talking  "well.. isn't it obvious" "I won't spare that freak today" jungkook said, glaring at his own reflection on the mirror "bitch if u do anything too funny than imma kill ur ass. Keep that in ur mind!" Hoseok said glaring at jungkook who rolled his eyes then walked out of the restroom. "Tsk.. that brat" hoseok said before following the br-- I mean jungkook (hehehe😅)
It was the end of the day. Everyone's going home. Taehyung and his friends were few of the last ones to leave. They were chitchatting while walking towards the parking lot when suddenly Taehyung stopped his foot from taking the next step, signalling the others to stop with his hand and then he jumped from the stairs to the ground--- he stopped on the 3rd step from the end. Others looked at him puzzled, he smirked and pointed at the step with his eyes. Everyone gasped when they saw oil on the stair step "who TF did this?" Jin yelled, looking around "who else? That bunny bitch" Taehyung said, scoffing afterwards "why? u did something, didn't u?" Jeonghan said with raised eyebrow "not my fault, he mess up with my hair and u know how important my hair is to me" Taehyung said with a shrug "didn't u guys see the video I sent!" Jimin said and Jin, jeonghan and jungwon got their phones out to check what Jimin sent "OMG poor hoseok hyung also got dragged into ur guys' fight" jungwon said, watching the video "oh yeah, I gotta apologize to him" Taehyung said looking around for hoseok "u better do it tomorrow. Now let's go, I'm tired" Jin said "yeah and can one of u drop me off, I didn't bring my car " jeonghan said and the Kim siblings agreed, walking towards jin's car. After bidding goodbyes, Jimin got on his car driving off followed by Jungwon, whose driver was there already.
On the other side, when Taehyung's gang were walking down the stairs, someone was waiting for Taehyung to step on the oil. But when he saw Taehyung jumped instead of stepping on the stairstep, he groaned "see I told u, he's not that dumb"
"Namjoon-ah why u adding fuel to the already burning fire"
Namjoon rolled his eyes at yoongi
"Shut up u both " jungkook said, glaring at them both and then started walking away "yah.. where u going? The car is on that side"
"And that bish is also on that side" jungkook said, not looking back at his brother and friends
"Guys let's just leave with him for now cuz I  don't want them to see me here, eavesdropping" s.coups said, walking towards the way jungkook left, slowly followed by the others.
It was the next day; today neither Taehyung nor jungkook had classes so both of them were sleeping like logs at their homes.

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