Chapter 6: Onwards the Great Quest

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Five days have passed and upon their arrival on the land found the first city of man named, Kor Al. A great city in appearance but looks desolate from the inside.

As Dwain and his companions entered the city of Kor Al, they were met with an eerie silence that hung heavy in the air. The once-thriving streets now lay empty and desolate, a stark contrast to the grandeur of the city's exterior. Dwain's brows furrowed as he surveyed the scene, his senses on high alert.

The cobblestone paths were overgrown with weeds, and the buildings showed signs of neglect. Dust covered everything, as if time itself had forgotten this place. Dwain's steps echoed through the silent streets as he led his group further into the heart of Kor Al.

Suddenly, a voice broke through the stillness. "Halt! Who goes there?" A figure emerged from the shadows, clad in worn armor and holding a rusty sword.

Dwain raised his hands peacefully. "We mean no harm. We are travelers seeking answers and offering our assistance to those in need."

The figure eyed them warily but eventually lowered their weapon, cautiously stepping forward. "Apologies for the hostility," the figure said, their voice tinged with weariness. "We've been on edge since the Naga Sorcerer's forces attacked our city."

Dwain's eyes narrowed with concern. "The Naga Sorcerer? They struck here as well?"

The figure nodded grimly. "Yes. They plundered our resources and captured many of our people. Those who survived are holed up in hiding, living in fear."

Dwain clenched his fists, his resolve hardening. "Fear not, for we shall bring justice to those who have wronged you. But we will need your help to strategize and gather information."

The figure's eyes flickered with a glimmer of hope as they realized Dwain's intentions. "Follow me," they said, leading Dwain and his companions towards a hidden resistance camp.

Inside the dilapidated building, the survivors huddled together, their faces reflecting a mixture of fear, despair, and a lingering flicker of hope. Dwain's presence seemed to ignite a spark within them, a glimmer of renewed determination.

Dwain approached the survivors with a commanding yet compassionate air, his voice resonating with authority. "Listen well, my friends. We stand at the precipice of dark times, but together we can forge a path towards victory and liberation. I am Dwain Ironfist, a warrior of unmatched strength and a mage of formidable power. But I cannot achieve this alone."

He scanned the room, meeting each gaze with unwavering conviction. "Each one of you possesses strength within you, untapped potential waiting to be unleashed. I ask you to join me in this fight, for the sake of our city and all who have suffered under the Naga Sorcerer's tyranny."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the room as the survivors found renewed hope in Dwain's words. They stepped forward one by one, offering their support and pledging their willingness to fight alongside Dwain's cause. The room filled with a united sense of purpose, as the survivors embraced their roles as warriors and defenders.

Dwain's gaze hardened, his voice resonating with determination. "We shall strike back at the Naga Sorcerer and free our people from their clutches. But first, we need information. Who among you knows more about the Naga Sorcerer's plans? Where are they keeping our captured kin?"

A rugged-looking man stepped forward, his eyes reflecting both sorrow and determination. "I was a scout before the attack," he said, his voice laced with defiance. "I overheard whispers of a stronghold located deep within the nearby swamplands. That's where they took our people."

Dwain nodded, his plan taking shape in his mind. "Then that is where we shall go," he declared. "We will strike at their stronghold, rescue our kin, and put an end to the Naga Sorcerer's reign of terror once and for all. But we must prepare ourselves for the battle ahead."

The World of Anima Volume 1: The Defenders of HomelandWhere stories live. Discover now