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Reign Spark- the team mage, reign was living in the kingdom of men that set sail on north continents from the lands of dwarves called the dwarvilum on seeking aid from a very interesting story of one dwarf that holds two classes the attributes of magic and strength.

Dwain Ironfist- Dwain Ironfist was born into a prestigious line of dwarven warriors, where strength and honor were valued above all else. From a young age, Dwain displayed an unparalleled skill in combat and a natural affinity for magic. However, his family, steeped in tradition, viewed magic as a sign of weakness and dishonor. Determined to prove himself, Dwain concealed his magical abilities and devoted himself to the ways of the warrior. As he grew older, Dwain's prowess in battle became legendary, earning him the title of "Ironfist" for his unmatched strength and unyielding determination. However, as he delved deeper into the world of combat, Dwain began to witness the devastating effects of war and bloodshed. Haunted by the suffering he witnessed, Dwain sought a way to use his magical abilities for good, while still maintaining his warrior persona.

Kelrathul- Kelrathul was once a respected sorcerer among the realm of men, known for his powerful magic and wisdom. However, as his thirst for power grew, Kelrathul delved deeper into dark magics and forbidden spells, seeking to surpass all others in his pursuit of knowledge and control. His obsession with magic led him to dabble in necromancy, a dark art that twisted his soul and corrupted his mind. Kelrathul's hunger for power blinded him to the consequences of his actions, as he raised the dead to do his bidding and unleashed chaos upon the lands. As his humanity faded away, Kelrathul became consumed by darkness and transformed into a lich an undead being sustained by dark magic. Now known as the Lich of the Undead, Kelrathul roams the land, seeking to expand his power and dominance over all who dare to oppose him

Maria- Maria was once a gentle and kind-hearted girl, living happily with her family in a peaceful village. However, everything changed one fateful day when goblins raided their lands, leaving destruction and despair in their wake. Maria's family was taken captive, and she was left alone to fend for herself. Lost and filled with grief, Maria wandered aimlessly until she stumbled upon a group of bandits who were in the midst of raiding a goblin airship. Seeing her vulnerability, the leader of the bandits took pity on Maria and decided to take her under his wing. Under the guidance of the bandit leader, Maria learned the skills of thievery and deception, becoming a skilled rogue in her own right. She quickly rose through the ranks, using her past trauma as fuel for her newfound abilities. Despite her rough exterior and hardened demeanor, Maria still carries the weight of her
terrible past with her.

Greynol- In a small village nestled deep within the dark forests of the kingdom, there lived a man named Greynol. He was known by the townsfolk as a skilled hunter and tracker, always able to find game even in the harshest of conditions. However, Greynol harbored a dark secret that he kept hidden from everyone around him. When the full moon rose high in the night sky, Greynol would undergo a terrifying transformation. His once-human form would contort and twist, muscles bulging and bones shifting as he became a massive, fearsome werewolf. In this beastly shape, Greynol roamed the forests, hunting for prey with an insatiable hunger. But Greynol was not just any ordinary werewolf. He was cunning and intelligent, able to outsmart even the most skilled hunters who dared to cross his path.

Lorvinard- Lorvinard, the innkeeper of Wysteria village, was not always content with a simple life running a cozy inn. In his youth, he was a skilled and adventurous elf who traveled far and wide, seeking out ancient relics and artifacts of great power. He was known for his daring exploits and quick wit, often finding himself in the midst of dangerous situations that would make others quiver in fear. During one particularly harrowing adventure, Lorvinard stumbled upon a hidden chamber deep within the heart of a forgotten temple. Inside, he found a mysterious orb pulsating with a radiant light, emanating a powerful energy that called out to him. Without hesitation, Lorvinard reached out and touched the orb, and in an instant, he was filled with a surge of ancient knowledge and wisdom. From that moment on, Lorvinard's life changed forever. He no longer sought out dangerous quests or sought after power for personal gain.

Esmeria- Esmeria was once a carefree elf living in the lush forests of Wysteria, her days filled with laughter and song. However, all that changed one fateful night when a band of ruthless goblins descended upon her village, leaving nothing but destruction and chaos in their wake. Esmeria's home was burned to the ground, and she found herself lost and alone in the aftermath. It was then that Lorvinard, a powerful and noble warrior, came to her rescue. He fought off the goblins and saved Esmeria from certain death. Grateful for his bravery, Esmeria vowed to repay him in any way she could. Lorvinard, recognizing her potential, offered her a position as his maid and assistant, knowing that her skills as an elf could be invaluable in their future endeavors. Esmeria gladly accepted, eager to both learn from and assist the heroic Lorvinard

Elwin Belovart- Elwin Belovart was once a simple farmer living in a remote village, tending to his crops and animals with care and devotion. However, one fateful night, a powerful storm swept through the land, causing chaos and destruction in its wake. In the aftermath, Elwin found himself gifted with strange and mysterious powers, a result of being touched by the raw energy of the storm. Embracing his newfound abilities, Elwin set out on a journey across the land, using his powers to protect and guide those in need. With his uncanny ability to see into the depths of a person's soul, he became known as a mystic of great wisdom and insight. He was able to sense the impending fates of heroes and adventurers, offering cryptic advice and guidance to help them navigate the challenges that lay ahead. Despite his enigmatic nature, Elwin was always a force for good, using his powers to protect all life from harm and disorientation

Sydney, George and Paul- Sydney, George, and Paul were not your typical bandits. Born into a family of skilled sky sailors and navigators, these three brothers were raised on the open seas. From a young age, they were taught the ways of the ocean, learning how to read the stars, navigate treacherous waters, and outsmart any enemy that crossed their path. As they grew older, Sydney, George, and Paul set their sights on a new challenge - plundering goblin ships. The goblins were known for their wealth and cunning, making them a prime target for the brothers' unique set of skills. With Sydney as the mastermind behind their plans, George as the muscle, and Paul as the navigator, they were an unstoppable force on the seas. Their reputation spread far and wide, striking fear into the hearts of goblin airships everywhere. Tales of the brother bandits guild became legendary, with stories of their daring heists and narrow escapes becoming the stuff of pilot folklore

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