Texty (not sexty)

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Woke up and saw their names piled high today

Top spots, one, two, and three

Aloft on tower of texts on my tiny ancient phone

my mom's before her hateful death

So strange to see those names stacked up

Names of all three men I've 'dated'

since other brutal death

My long-loved partner's, seven years ago

Order strangely right, or 'right,' as well

With first guy, lowest in text tower now

Surprised, a bit, to see him present there today

First met in 2022 — said then that I was gorgeous

Took me for coffee, announced it was a date

Very soon declared himself disgusted

by every lame-ass aspect of my (sad/weak/dim) self

Since then in mode of ceaseless reinvention

Enemy! cold stranger! kind advisor! nosy neighbour! cool/cruel editor!

Then someone who is keen to 'build a friendship'

Whatever that might mean

Now talk of proffering employment

What kind? Not sure, but prospect shocks, alarms

The second, strange sweet man of sexercise

First to engage my flesh, my lips, my lonely cunt

First to wound! the way a lover sometimes can

With ugly piercing truth

deep stab that bleeds, throbs, hurts

but sometimes, somehow heals

Eternal scar, painfilled, scary, weird

yet weirdly pleasing too —

a pretty, stinging tat, perhaps?

Third man mysterious, two men disguised as one

At first a solid smiling rock, reliable! wise, cool, calm

Knows how to fix . . . well, everything! it seemed

Felt like my broken heart would be quick work for him

Speedy solid sanguine mend —

solution to my dark day ideation, deathly yearning need

But no, 'cause there's another guy inside

So different! fragile, drunken, sexy/wild

Kind of love them both, but that can't work

Though in one skin they do NOT like each other, not one bit!

In truth, now kind of love them all

all three dudes glowing there on mom's old phone

But that's forbidden, no good at all

Though these three are so different

Trio has one thing in common, one tenet shared

Rage/fear/disgust at any hint of 'infidelity'

Though surely nothing here has claims on faithfulness?

Nothing solid now with any of the three

Yes newest one calls me his girlfriend

Even talks about me to his aunt

enough it seems to make her want to meet and greet

But . . . girlfriend doesn't mean what I once thought it did

Does it mean anything?

Unclear, like eye-sting smoke-filled sky . . .like everything

Still, answer's simple, probably?

Put on the mask! stupid sorry bitch

and try at least to smile

You wanted to return to life

said you did

And this is life! life now

So what the fuck's your problem?


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