Chapter 14

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Natalie grinned at me as she got into her car and I was left standing in the parking lot watching her drive off. She seemed a lot more sure of things than I was, and I knew I had a lot to figure out.

I walked back home slower than usual, trying to make sure that I didn't cross paths with Trevor. I still hadn't decided how to go about telling him about Natalie and I's kiss.

Her and Eli apparently weren't together anymore, but they were when the kiss happened. The kiss that I'd been daydreaming about since last night.

I shook my head and tried to focus on something else before I finally got back to my apartment building.

When I got up to my door, I quietly turned my key and pushed it open. I had just stepped inside, but before I could close it behind me, I heard the door across the hall swing open.

"You bitch, you're totally trying to avoid me!" Trevor said with a grin.

I slowly turned around to face him and shrugged my shoulders.

"I um - I wasn't...okay yeah I was, fine," I admitted.

"Well what the hell?! I gave you that girl on a platter to make up with and you weren't going to tell me about it?" He said.

"Oh my gosh Trevor," I said I said with a laugh, "come on."

I motioned him to follow me inside, I guess I wasn't going to have much more time to debate on how to tell him what has happened.

"Alright you better spill now," Trevor said as he came in and sat on the couch.

I set my work bag down on the counter and sat in a chair across from him.

"Okay," I sighed, "so Natalie and I did have a good talk last night."

"So...why is that so terrible that you couldn't tell me?!" Trevor quickly asked.

"Because we also kissed," I blurted out before I could stop myself.

Trevor's jaw dropped but I could also see a slight smile sneak in.

"Well shit! But still...why wouldn't you want to tell me that?" He asked.

"Um Trevor," I said, "she was dating your brother you know."

"Oh right," he said as he waved his hand dismissively, "I never thought they were very good together anyway. And from what you just said I'm going to guess they're broken up now anyway?"

"So you don't care that we kissed when they were still together?" I asked, "but yeah she told me they broke up this morning."

"I mean, probably not the smartest thing for either of you to do...but they broke up anyway so it's not a huge deal," he said.

"Okay good," I said as I let out a sigh of relief, "because I did want to tell you."

"Sure you did," he said with a grin.

"I'm serious!" I responded quickly, "I was only avoiding you because I felt bad about it."

"I guess I can believe you," he said, "so what now?"

"Yeah that's a great question," I said to him, "she obviously knows since she broke up with Eli...but I'm not so sure."

"The kiss wasn't all it was cracked up to be or what?" Trevor asked me teasingly.

"Yeah that's totally what it was," I said as I rolled my eyes at him, "but no...the kiss was actually um, pretty amazing."

"Hm," Trevor said thoughtfully as he looked at me, "looks like someone is smitten already."

"What? No, that's not, that's not true," I quickly said.

"Madison, you've had a crush on this girl since you were in high school and you finally got to kiss her...don't even try to hide it," he said with a grin.

"I haven't had a crush on her since high school, that's just when I first started having feelings," I said, "we've barely talked since then."

"Well just remember, I told you that I call it how I see it," Trevor said, "and that's what it looks like."

"I don't know Trevor," I said with a sigh, "she was so terrible to me before, and then there's mind is kind of all over the place."

"Understandable, have you talked to Theo?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I did this morning. He was weirdly okay with it," I responded, "but I guess it is true that we've literally been on one date so it's not that big of a deal."

"Or he's just a fuck boy like I told you I heard he was," Trevor said as he raised his eyebrows at me.

"I don't know about that," I shook my head, "I know that's what you've heard but he's been so sweet to me."

"That's how they get ya," Trevor said with a nod.

"You're too much sometimes, you know that, right?" I asked him as I tried not to laugh.

"Yes I'm very well aware of that, don't worry," he responded.

"But I'm just saying," Trevor continued, "I don't know much about Theo or Natalie, but I think you should be very cautious with this little game."

"Trevor I'm not trying to play a game," I said defensively, "I really just - I'm not sure what I want yet."

"Okay I'm sorry," Trevor said quickly, "that came out a lot bitchier than I intended it to."

"It's fine," I responded quietly.

"I just meant to be careful going back and forth, you're figuring out what you want so there's nothing wrong with that, I just don't want it to get too messy, that's all," he explained.

"Thanks for looking out for me, I don't really know what I'm doing so I appreciate it," I told him.

"Yeah, I had kind of gathered that," he said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes at him as I laid my head against the back of the chair.

"Hey," Trevor said as he got up and stepped towards me, "why don't you just try to spend some time with both of them and see what happens, what you can figure out?"

I sat up and looked at him, "well I know that would be fine with Theo but I don't know how Natalie would feel about it. I told her I had things I needed to figure out...but still."

"She did break up with Eli pretty quickly once things happened with you two I guess," Trevor said.

"Exactly," I said definitively.

"You could always just, you to her about it," Trevor said with a grin.

"You're just so smart Trevor," I said sarcastically, "what would I do without you?"


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