Chapter 15

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After my talk with Trevor the night before, I decided to try and take his advice. It wasn't like it was anything brilliant that he'd come up with or anything, but he was right. I felt like I didn't know Theo or the newer version of Natalie at all. Spending time with both of them was a logical first step.

When I went down to get coffee that morning, Theo had my drink waiting for me.

"Morning," he said as he came over to hand me the drink and kissed me on the cheek.

"Morning," I said back, "very impressive that you already have my drink down."

"It's kind of my job you know," he responded with a grin.

"Okay fair...but you're good at it," I said.

"Why thank you," he said dramatically, "hey, do you want to go out somewhere tonight?"

"Oh, yeah sure we could do that. What were you thinking?" I asked him.

"There's a club that's just a few blocks away that's pretty fun, we could check that out?" He suggested.

"I'm not a huge fan of clubs...but I guess I could try it," I said.

"You'll like this one I promise," Theo said, "it's a lot of fun, it's called Euphoria."

"Euphoria, huh?" I said, "sounds interesting."

"It is, but it's a good interesting, trust me," he responded as he put his hand on my arm.

"I'll pick you up at eight?" He asked.

"Sure, I'll see you then," I smiled and waved at him as I walked out the door.


I got to work and made it to my office without any Natalie encounters. I wanted to talk to her, but she was tempting me every time that we were in the same room. Not that I didn't want anything to happen again, but I definitely didn't want it to happen at work.

"Morning Ella," I called over to her as I sat down at my desk.

"Hey Madison!" She called back.

I was checking my email when Natalie walked in.

"Good morning," she said with a grin.

She came in and sat on the corner of my desk and faced me.

"Morning Natalie," I said, "how's it going?"

"Oh it's going pretty good right about now," she said, keeping her eyes locked on mine.

She put her elbow on her knee and rested her chin in her hand. I couldn't help but sneak a glance at her too far unbuttoned shirt as she leaned forward. I quickly looked away, but I had a feeling she had probably caught me.

"What are you up to tonight?" She asked.

"I'm going out to a club I guess," I said unenthusiastically.

"You don't sound too thrilled about it," she noted.

"I'm sure it'll be fine, but - well clubs just aren't usually my thing," I said, "but I've been assured that I'll have fun at this one."

"Hmm, which one is it?" She asked.

"It's called Euphoria," I told her.

"Ohh yeah," Natalie said with a knowing grin, "that is a good one, whoever told you that is definitely not misleading you."

"Yeah my..." I hesitated before I continued, "my um, friend, thinks it'll be a good time."

As with most things, I wasn't very smooth with the "friend" comment, and I knew Natalie would probably catch on. Her demeanor did change for a minute, but it was hard to tell what she was thinking.

"Well, I'm sure you'll have a great time, but you'll have to let me know how it goes," she said.

"I will," I nodded.

"Good," she said as she began to slide off of my desk.

She let her legs brush against mine as she slid off and stood up, and I knew it was intentional. She was like a walking pool of sexual tension.

"Well I'm sure I'll see you before then, but have fun," Natalie said with a grin as she walked out of my office.

"Morning Ella," I heard her say as she walked by.

I sat there and stared at my computer for a moment before Ella came in and pulled me out of my trance.

"Okay, I don't wanna be too nosey or anything...but you've gotta tell me what you did to her," she said.

I laughed at Ella and shook my head, "I didn't do anything to her, but come on, sit down for a second and I'll fill you in."

"Finally!" She said excitedly.

"It's really not all that exciting," I responded with a sigh.

"Okay but I've still been dying to know," Ella said, "she's been like a different person lately."

"So we used to be best friends when we were younger, like kindergarten all the way up through the beginning of high school," I said.

"Oh..." Ella said quietly, looking slightly confused.

"Long story short, we had a big falling out when we started high school and we hadn't really talked since then...until I started here," I explained.

"Ohh," Ella said again, seeming like it was all starting to make sense to her, "that would explain why she was extra terrible towards you."

"Yeah..." I responded, "but we finally had a chance to talk things out, and we're okay now...I think."

"And that part would explain the change in her mood, damn this makes so much more sense now!" Ella said.

I didn't think she needed to know all of the details of Natalie and I's situation, especially since she seemed satisfied with what I'd given her so far.

"Yup, it wasn't a good situation at all...I mean it's still a little weird but obviously better than it has been," I said.

"I agree," Ella nodded, "you both seem a lot better now."

"Yeah let's hope it stays that way," I told her, "anyway I guess I should try to get some work done today."

"Before your big night out, huh?" Ella asked me.

"Big night out? Oh, you heard me telling Natalie about the club, right."

Ella nodded in response.

"I wouldn't call it a big night out, just going out with a friend," I said.

"Well either way you're right, have to get some work done so we can enjoy the weekend," Ella said.

I nodded in agreement as she walked out of my office and I went back to staring at my computer screen.


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