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"This key card will work for the office? You're sure?"

"Yes, Mer. It'll work for the office"

"And you're positive the security cameras are turned off?"

"No, I figured it would be fun if we both got caught and arrested"

Cristina's sarcastic tone was in my ear as I casually committed breaking and entering at one in the morning. She'd sent me a keycard she'd made that would open the locked doors and get me into Addison's office.

I'd love to see where you work, Addie. To see how you keep your space, where you spend your days.

Gotta love the tech geeks. She made it so much easier to get the job done.

"Okay, alright. I get it" I said, walking slowly and whispering as I made my way to the elevator. Cristina had assured me nobody would be here this time of night, but it was better to be safe than sorry. (And by sorry I meant it was better to be safe than have to kill someone on site and move the body).

"I'm going up to the third floor now" I tell her, my voice barely a whisper but still sounding loud to my own ears in the eerily empty building as I got onto the elevator and hit the button for the third floor.

"I don't know why you're going through all this trouble to bug an office. Just kill her so we can move on to a more interesting case" Cristina complained. I could picture her draped over her desk back in Seattle, probably wearing a hoodie and sweatpants "You never go through this much trouble for such a mundane case; jackass husband wants wife dead. It's nothing crazy"

The irony of her words were not lost on me. The entire situation was definitely crazy, killing someone for money was definitely not boring, and I knew that our lives were far from mundane.

But for us, in particular, this was pretty typical.

You're so far from just a housewife, nothing about 'you' is typical.

"She's worth millions of dollars, Cristina. Her parents have the money to figure out what happened if this case isn't done perfectly. I need to make sure everyone in her life believes she genuinely killed herself" I whisper right as the elevator dings and the doors slide open. I push the cart through the door, going down the hallway to the left that I knew led me to Addison's office.

Cristina had sent me a floor plan of the office days prior. Another convenience from the computer nerd side.

"From the looks of things, she doesn't talk to her parents much. You know that" Cristina retorted. I could tell from her tone that she wasn't buying what I was selling, but I didn't cave.

I also didn't tell her the truth.

"People with money do crazy things when tragedy strikes" I murmur, reading the names of all the doctors on each door I passed.

D. Shepherd, M.D, F.A.C.S.

As petty as it is, I flip off Derek's door as I pass by it. I fucking hate that guy.

I continue down the hallway, passing the frosted glass doors until I'm almost at the end. It doesn't take me long to find the door with A. Montgomery-Shepherd, M.D, F.A.C.S., F.A.C.O.G.

Lots of letters generally meant someone was important. I pulled out my camera from the janitors cart and snapped a quick picture of the door. I knew from my research she was a world-class neonatal surgeon with board certifications in both obstetrics and gynaecology along with maternal and fetal medicine. To top it off, she'd completed a medical genetics fellowship.

Smart didn't begin to describe her.

"Try not to waste too much time. I'm exhausted, it's been a long day" Cristina sighed. I scoffed at her as I opened the office door and shut it behind me firmly.

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