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I'd never pictured myself as a type of sinister person that would kidnap another human being, let alone hold someone hostage. Of course I'd killed people, but surely being put to an untimely death felt less daunting than the idea of being kept prisoner.

Many times I'd questioned my sanity, questioned just how far I was willing to go for her, and as unsure of myself as I was, I was always sure of her.

How far was I willing to go for her? To the ends of the earth. I'd die for her, no matter what happened, she was mine and I had to protect her at all costs.

I'd always known I was fucked in the head, but she brought out the crazy in me.

There were many variables to consider when one wanted to keep their designated person alive and well instead of dead and cold.

The first thing I had to consider was the how of it all. How was I going to make this work? I didn't have any prior experience in kidnapping, I didn't know how to successfully take someone and keep them.

The second thing I had to consider was where. Surely I couldn't stay in the states with her, but then I had to figure out a way to get myself and a possibly unwilling extra person out of the country. There were only so many ways to get away far and fast, and my best bet was to catch a flight somewhere.

Unfortunately that meant passports. And secuirty. And a plane.

There was only one person I could call to help me with something like this; someone who may not want to help me, especially if she knew exactly what I was doing.

But she was my last hope.

Taking in a deep breath and praying to every god under the sun, I took out my phone and I made the call.


Three days later, she had a meeting spot and I had a bag full of cash. The phone call had been...awkward, but when I'd stressed how important this was to me, she'd been more inclined to help out.

The bag I held containing one hundred thousand dollars also helped tremendously.


I smiled, pulling out a chair and sitting across from Lexie in the small back room of a club downtown. We'd always met here when I'd visit her in the city, and today was no different; same spot, same people, just different vibes. She wasn't welcoming, we weren't hugging, we weren't excited to see one another.

Truthfully, if I didn't need help I don't know that I would've even called her while I was still in New York.

She had a frown on her lips, and her hair was two shades lighter than the last time I'd seen her. She was stunning, as usual, and she did not look too pleased to see me.

I wasn't surprised; she hadn't been too excited when she'd answered my call. I was surprised she'd picked up at all.

"Lexie. Its good to see you" my younger sister was the smartest person I'd ever met; she had a photographic memory, an absurdly high IQ, and the ability to do things even I myself couldn't comprehend. While it was true I was capable of a lot, Lexie was capable of more; more intricate, delicate matters that I wouldn't know how to deal with at all.

She'd started creating and selling fake documents at my request years ago; she had helped Cristina and I out in a lot of situations we'd been in when we needed documentation. She had forged everything; from passports to birth certificates to the deeds for houses; she was a pro, the best money could buy, and I was so proud of her.

There was nobody else in the business as good as she was; the compliments I'd gotten on her handiwork were always glowing. Nobody had ever gotten caught with a fake Lexie had provided.

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