auli'i Carvalho - teaching her how to play Fortnite

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y/ns pov

all my friends were busy and i wanted to play Fortnite with someone so i decided to go find Auli'i.  i found her laying on the couch reading a book.

"baby do you wanna play Fortnite" i asked shyly

" i would love to baby but I've never played so you'll have to teach me."

so we headed up stairs to my gaming  room so i could teach her.

once we got in there i had her sit in my chair as i showed her were to place her hands on the keyboard. 

auli'is  pov

i was sitting in y/ns gaming chair and she was teaching me wear top put my hands but i couldn't focus because she was so cute when explaining something she loves i looked up to see her leaning over me her chain hanging down and her beautiful eyes staring into mine it was like i was in a trance.

"bubs are you even listening"

" i was but its kind of hard to focus cause your so cute"

y/ns pov

my back was starting to hurt from bending over.

" baby can you stand up for a minute i need to sit down."

i was sat in the chair but what she didn't know was that i was  gonna pull her into my lap. i wrapped my arms around her waist as she loaded into a game i rested my head in the crook of her neck and gave her a few suggestions while she played.  after a few games i could tell she didn't wanna play anymore.  so i said,

"love since we did something i wanted to do now you can pick something

Auli'i's pov

when i heard those words come out of her mouth i knew exactly what i wanted too do. 

" can we go on a late night drive in your sports car?"

" yes baby do you want me to get you one of my hoodies its kind of cold out." she said noticing i was only in a short sleeve.

"ya baby thank you ill go wait in the car."

y/ns pov

 i ran upstairs and grabbed of my hoodies for Auli'i and as i headed back down i made sure to get my keys. i saw Auli'i sitting cutely in the car so i walked too the drivers side and got in. i headed toward one of Auli'i s favorite spots the beach. we talked about her upcoming roles  and my upcoming album and at every redlight i made sure to give her a kiss. As we drove home Auli'i slowly dozed off  so when we got home i carried her of to bed and gave her a kiss before falling asleep myself

A/n auli'i is definitely my celeb crush. thank you  all for voting on this book and reading  it if you have any requests leave them in the comments

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