renee rapp - ice skating

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I was taking Renee on a date and I thought it would be fun to go ice skating since I play hockey. I told her athletic and casual and she had on a black pair of pants and a hoodie

"Is this good baby?"

"It's perfect."

we got into the car and headed to the rink where I practice and I rented it out for our day so it was just us. We pulled up and I could tell she was confused we headed inside and got our skates and we sat down to put them on Renee turned to me and said

"Baby I've never skated before."

"It's okay I'll help you love."

I kissed her and we headed to the rink I stepped on Renee looked scared I grabbed her hand and helped her on and she gripped the wall I placed my hands on her waist to hold her up and I showed her what to do she got a hang of it very quick and I was going slow so I could keep up.

"Baby I wanna see how fast you can go. with that, I took off across the rink and turned back towards her, and stopped.

"damn I knew you were good but."

"you should come to my next game i have an extra ticket."

after we were done skating I took her to her favorite restaurant and we drove home and looked at the sunset."

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