Billie Eilish - mornings

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Billie's pov

i woke up and my girlfriend was still sleeping with her head on my chest i kissed her on the head and slipped out of bed to make breakfast. i headed down stairs and let shark out before begging to make breakfast for us . as i was cooking i felt hands come around my waist i knew it was y/n she placed her head in the crook of my neck.

"good morning mamas did you sleep well."

she began to blush

" yes love i slept great."

as i was waiting for the food to finish i turned around and gave y/n a kiss the food was finally done and we sat and the table and discussed our plans for the day she decided she wanted to go shopping and after that we were gonna head to my parents for a BBQ and swim.

we headed upstairs to get ready. i began to get dressed while y/n got in the shower.

after we finished getting ready we got in the car and headed to target at target we bought some things for our home then we headed to pet smart to get sharks food we headed home and we still had some time before we had to go to my parents house so we layed on the couch and watched some Netflix we both ended up falling asleep and when we woke up we realized we had to go so we grabbed our swimsuits and grabbed shark and got into the car.

when we got to my parents Finneas and Claudia were already there Finneas and i headed into the studio while y/n talked to Claudia i was finishing a song i wrote about y/n.

it started to get dark and it was time to eat after we all finished eating we all decided to go swimming and it was so fun we all decided to play volley ball in the water but Finneas kept making the ball fly out of the pool. it was nearing ten o'clock and we all got out of the pool we talked for a bit but i could tell y/n was getting tired so we headed home.

when we got home y/n and i got straight into bed and fell asleep

hey guys thank you so much for 5k reads if you have any request feel free to drop them in the comments

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