Renee Rapp - jealousy

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y/ns pov

Paige has always been my best friend today Paige was over rand we were playing video games i invited her over cause Renee was gonna be at the studio for a bit me and Paige kept shoving each other and horsing around while we were playing we were so focused we didn't even here Renee come in until i felt her arms wrap around my neck before she leaned into my ear and said

" hi baby I've been thinking about you all day."

Paige and Renee never got along very well because Renee thought that she was gonna take me from her but i told her Paige isn't my type she is to masculine and i like fems with blond hair and blue eyes named Renee. i always call Renee my jealous beast which she doesn't appreciate.

Renee's pov

i had a tiring day in the studio so when i walked into our room to see her and Paige sprawled out on our bed i got annoyed Paige and I've never gotten along because i think she wants my girl. i went up behind y/n and wrapped my arms around her and whispering in her ear and peppering kisses on her neck she turned around and said

" hi bubs me and Paige are just finishing up this game."

i said ok before laying in between y/ns legs i ignored Paige and rubbed my hand up and down y/ns thigh i could tell Paige felt uncomfortable. i heard her say to y/n that she was gonna leave y/n went down and walked her out and i saw them hugging for a little longer then id like so i decided id give y/n the silent treatment she came back up stairs.

bold is y/n 

" baby do you wanna cuddle and watch a movie."

i gave her no response she came over and hugged me before kissing my forehead and walking into our closet and pulling out my favorite hoodie of hers.

" do you want my hoodie love."

i shook my head cause i wanted the one she was wearing cause i knew it would smell like her.

she pulled of her hoodie and she only had a sports bra on and i could now see her abs i began to blush.

" if you still don't wanna cuddle i might as well go cuddle Paige."

this made me mad and i jumped into her arms and wrapped my self around her she ran her hand through my hair and down my back as i said.

" no your mine not Paige's your my baby."

"i know I'm yours you jealous beast."

we both laughed before cuddling up in bed watching a movie and eventually falling asleep.

a/n hey guys I've been busy with school but I've been working on some chapters keep sending in requests

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