Chapter 10: Haruki tell Miu and Hikari about Onuma death penalty curse

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Before Onuma had to visit those two of the Sakurazaka46 idol members who were alive again and not dead they were kept at their hospital far away from the Sakura House Hinano can't know where are they right now but they could send them some last message from before they could know that Miu and Hikari are alive once again.

Miu: why is Onuma trying to keep us away from where is Hinano right now

Hikari: Onuma want us to keep quiet for a while until she knows to tell Hinano that we are alive once again and she is not killing us that easily with the real knife

Haruki: yes that was right boss isn't that bad at all and besides she is pretty fun to talk to just look out your window and you can see Boss talking to another idol member

When both of those are looking out their window from the wardroom hospital they can see Onuma smile at the other idol members who are visiting them to see that she is okay with the Nogizaka46 idol member but not with the Hinatazaka46 and with the Sakurazaka46 member idol to talk to them in the face.

Miu: but can we talk to Onuma and why is she doing this to us why can't we get going back to the Sakura House

Hikari: Haruki senpai you have your sister right now who missed you so much and she didn't miss you that you had to work with Onuma's side

Haruki: I had some reason to complete Onuma on her death penalty curse wish right before I can go back to see my sister again that is my goal for escape my plan but the same as Butler

Right before Butler had to walk back inside to the hospital bedroom they saw that he is had some food but it okay they weren't even poisoned at all she got them their favourite food to eat as they watched again out the window and out of the blue, Onuma had accidentally smile onto Miu and Hikari who were back inside at the wardroom hospital to take their best time to lean that Onuma Akiho is not a band member who had her serial killer skills that can use her dark magic power to kill Airi but she not bring her back sooner.

Butler: did she smile at you two didn't she

Miu: yes she did smile at us but why did she smile at us along with the Nogizaka46 member idol

Haruki: Onuma Akiho are were boss had pretty close with the Nogizaka46 member idol as her friend but not with others who hate her so much

Later Onuma had to text both of the assistants to tell them about my true death penalty curse wish as she will die in vain without saving her in time before it goes to time up pretty quickly to say goodbye to Rena as her girlfriend along with her ex-assistant Hinano that she was waiting for her to reveal the truth about been accepted her death penalty curse wish.

Miu: what it is, Haruki? Did Onuma text you on your phone

Haruki: yes she did text me but the boss said that I need to tell you about Onuma were accepted her death penalty curse and wished you guys to hear us

Hikari: yes of course we love to listen to Onuma Akiho about her death penalty curse wish that if she used her dark magic power she would die the quick way right

Flashback ago went Onuma had fired Hinano to become her assistant and she found us wondering around back here and nothing to do so she gave us something more exciting to do right after we wanted to ask her some questions about what was going on with her health that keeps avoiding by someone else with her life and suddenly, we can see that Onuma Akiho had vomit blood coming from her mouth if she were using that too much of her dark magic power within herself inside her body and she can lose her for good this time round so do Rena could miss her that forever.

Miu: wait...are you saying that Onuma Akiho could have died just using her dark magic power to save someone's life in the same that to see back Rena once again

Haruki: yes but she needs to keep you safe right here without anyone seeing you of course but don't worry Onuma can let you escape once the time is over for her

Hikari: what is the meaning of once the time is over for mean to Onuma Haruki Senpai

Meanwhile, Onuma and two of the Nogizaka46 member idols had returned to where Miu and Hikari were resting inside the wardroom bedroom they saw that they were fine but Onuma turned around and rushed to the wardroom toilet and coughed blood and Miu with Hikari needed to see that it was all true about her been using her dark magic power as become the serial killer herself.

Miu: Onuma are you feeling okay?

Hikari: more importantly did you keep us from them to save us that you want us to stay here with you along with the Nogizaka46 member idol are you Onuma

Onuma: Miu...Hikari...I wish I could spend time with you this long but I do not have much time left to make you happy or make Rena happy for me *vomit blood*

Suddenly, Haruki and Butler had to close the wardroom hospital and make the room into torture from the outside but the inside was normal as someone was coming here to see it but it was that member who was trying to get inside to take a look from the room that they find that the member is dead or alive back where Onuma with Haruki along with the Butler was taking their bodies away from us.

Onuma: Hinano!!! *angry*

Miu: why is Hinano here back at the front of the place where you created it

Hikari: did she notice that their bodies are missing Kira looks like she wants to kill you in real-time today

Once Haruki and Butler had to go downstairs and push them away to get into the hospital as Hinano and Kira were shouting Onuma's name millions of times right before Miu stopped Onuma from revealing herself to them.

Miu: Onuma please stop and don't go there if you go Kira kill you for real

Onuma: Miu please let me handle her but you have to wait here with Hikari and both of you please protect them for me okay

Nagi: sure of course Onuma we will protect them as you promise

Without any sound coming from downstairs and there have Onuma was leaning on the walls Hinano and Kira could see that Onuma's face did not look so good but she had a bit of blood on her lips.

Haruki: can't go and see them right now what if your vomit blood is back again

Butler: yes what did Haruki have to say boss but please stay in your room for now

Onuma: don't worry about my vomit blood but I will be okay just don't wo- *vomit blood*

Out of nowhere, Onuma started to vomit blood right in front of Hinano and Kira they could see real blood coming out from her mouth while Haruki and Butler had to teleport them back to the Sakura House inside the living room Haruki was helping his boss to return to where they keep Miu and Hikari inside the wardroom with them as Nagi and Ichinose were company Onuma same as Miu and Hikari.

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