Chapter 14: Haruki and Kanemura start over their dating couple as their reunion

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Right before Haruki we back to see Kanemura to see his sister too he wants to go and start over to date again with his girlfriend Kanemura somewhere else to have some fun together with her alone just with her, not with another member who can follow her.

Haruki: Haruyo you better stay here and wait for me to return home while I take Kanemura for some reunion date with her

Haruyo: Kanemura please stay with my vampire brother who had to save your life once right before he became the awakening vampire

Kanemura: sure of course Haruyo I will stay with your brother's side as promised like all times

Meanwhile, Haruki was carrying Kanemura around his hips and later he wanted to go somewhere else he had to save their life as they were starting to date him since he was a vampire at that time of being by her side.

Haruyo: vampire brother was gone with Kanemura to have some date reunion with him shall we talk about what to do with Onuma here Hinano

Hinano: Haruki looks so happy that he can enjoy with Kanemura and we didn't know that they are still dating each other like some apart relationship with your brother I mean vampire brother

Rena: but Haruki had some magic that he could sense something that still connected to Onuma just for some kind of trick to know what was going on with her right

Back at the hospital where there has been news that Onuma had some kind of alert news that Haruki and Kanemura had returned to have a reunion date at the same time while Onuma was inside the hospital wardroom together with Miu and Hikari who were here along with the Nogizaka46 member idol.

Nagi: well...Onuma can we take a break to return to our house as well but don't worry Miu and Hikari were here to company you until they come and get them

Ichinose: I'm sorry Onuma I didn't want to upset you just because Haruki had left you with Butler but I just want to know that we serve you more than them

Onuma: sure of course you may go now and just stay there and don't ever return to see me again I just want to see back with Rena smile again

In the meantime, Nagi and Ichinose were leaving the hospital place as just those two of the alive members were taking care of Onuma while she needed to face back with another member who was coming to take some action themselves to facing with Onuma real time by tomorrow.

Miu: well...they are left now but Onuma are you okay with letting them go just like that

Onuma: I'm feeling better now but maybe you two can company me inside here as they will come by tomorrow morning to see that you two are alive again and not get killed by me

Hikari: you can explain to them that you just put some fake blood on us while you knocked us out cold and Miu wants to see Kira back once again as she didn't want to hurt her that badly by her emotions

After Onuma had to stay calm down at her side of her mind while back on the reunion date together with Haruki and Kanemura who had back from the first date with Haruki who was becoming the awakening vampire as he had to bring his Butler for this start over the date on his side to protect them go they will get alert someone gets him trouble.

Haruki: Kanemura you remember these days that we started dating on the first date ever while I becoming the awakening vampire

Kanemura: of course, I do remember but why did Butler have to come along with us did something wrong that he needed to protect us back there just a few meters left from us

Haruki: I just want this reunion date to be fun and not to have some trouble to distract us from getting together again

Once Haruki and Kanemura had to go back inside to have a view on the top of the rooftop as Butler had to wait downstairs and wait for them to have some couple date that had missed with her since he had turned into some bloody vampire.

Haruki: Kanemura I just want you to know that I love you so much I will take care of you since you become my human girlfriend until the end as much as I will protect both of you at the same time back at the Hinata House

Kanemura: Haruki...I do love you too and shall we get some vampire and human kiss on the top of this beautiful view

Haruki: sure yes please Kanemura let's do some kisses together as you can wait until the great sunset is down and we can go back to the Hinata House as decided to bring Onuma back to see her girlfriend again

Without any sound coming from either of them Haruki had to kiss her human lips while they had fun with them much as they wanted to do more of this leftover date reunion as their last long relationship together with Kanemura while they had to go back to the Hinata House to meet another member who was planned to bring back Onuma to meet with Hinano as Rena were since her once again.

Kanemura: Haruki shall we go back to the Hinata House to make some decisions with Hinano the guest that you manage is coming there today

Haruki: yes I did manage that before but Butler come on let's go back to the house and you can have some planned right after we are there with the rest of the member

Butler: okay copy that Haruki let go then *flew back*

Haruki and Kanemura fly back to the Hinata House with his Butler landed down and they can see that Haruki and Kanemura are starting over their relationship reunion together with him as much as Kanemura had missed him as her apart date that he missed a few of them that he became the awakening vampire for himself.

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