Chapter 27: Onuma had say good luck to Haruki for his new journey

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Before Yamaguchi Haruki had to visit Onuma back at the Sakura House while he was there to meet her one last time before he was ready to have some new journey with the rest of the Hinatazaka46 idol members had to wait for him over to the house just for saying goodbye to the Sakura House and went back to have some good memories with his sister as well known as his girlfriend Kanemura Miku.

Rena: Haruki why are you still here and did you want to meet Onuma one last time right before you left to have some journey

Haruki: yes I did but can you tell Onuma had I had over here just want to see her face one last time before I go back to the Hinata House

Rena: sure of course please wait here and I will call her while you wait for her here outside the house

Meanwhile, Haruki was waiting for Onuma someone who kept calling his phone call and it was his sister who was calling him since she couldn't wait for her brother to return home to meet with the 4th gen member who was here as well inside the Hinata House.

Onuma: Haruki sorry that you have to wait here outside the house but are you you want to take some new journey with the rest of the Hinatazaka46 members with you

Haruki: yes I did but I just want to give something to Morita before I go back home

Onuma: sure she was there with Takemoto and Yamasaki and had some dinner party together with other gen member

Once Haruki walked over to where Morita was he was tapped on her shoulder she could see that it was Yamaguchi Haruki who had been there as well as Onuma who was about to see him leaving the house and went back to see his sister and girlfriend who was waiting for Haruki return.

Morita: Haruki senpai...what did you want to give me

Haruki: oh this is from your brother who missed every time of your birthdays and that you stay here at the Sakura house please call him back and he just wants to listen to your voice

Morita: how did you know that nii-chan is coming back here as soon as possible when did he pass these to you

Haruki gave Morita something and just put it onto her hand and he flew up into the sky much like everyone who looks at the sky with many great people Onuma had a great team with different idol members with them.

Takemoto: Morita...should you call your brother we want to see his face while you can see his face too

Morita: sure of course let me dial his number on my phone while he can answer the calls back to me

Yamasaki: so what is your brother's name then Morita?

Back somewhere at his apartment work centre place and he had someone who was calling him as his Butler had passed to the owner of the apartment himself which is Takashi Hikaru who was back once again and was taking the video call as he was resting at the chair with some chilling cool view from his apartment window.

Morita: nii-chan how are you doing so far? you can visit me back right at the Sakura house can you take a day off to see me

Takashi: Hikaru...good to see you back again and of course, I do miss you so much but let me put some mark on the calendar as my day off is for me to visit you

Morita: sure but where are you right now, nii-chan

Before Takashi had to turn the camera and face the view window back to his apartment work centre place where he had a huge beautiful sky on his way while other of the members had to see that place kind of looking so cool to relax or have some day off with him over there.

Morita: nii-chan can we go there from your place that looks so amazing

Takashi: sure of course you can come here but just not too many members can come here at a place like this and you can come too to Onuma and Rena with Hikaru along with Takemoto and Yamasaki but the rest of you have to wait for the available schedule for me to book

Takemoto: thank you Takashi Senpai for inviting me to visit you back at your place but what can we bring over there to your apartment

Once Takashi passed his phone to someone who had a family with the Sakurazaka46 idol member and it was known as Masumoto Kira who was Morita's brother and his assistant worker but they were completely shocked that Kira was there together with Takashi Hikaru's working partner.

Ozono: Kira why are you over there with Morita brother did you have some secret that you didn't tell us just yet

Kira: sorry guys but I think I need to bounce it out and let Takashi explain to you later *passed the phone back to Takashi*

Takashi: wait...Kira you forgot about these here take it

Without any sound coming from everyone who saw that Masumoto Kira had some magic power within herself much as she vanished back from the Takashi apartment work centre place as she were back at the Sakura House, but she waved back to Takashi on the phone that Morita was holding to video call him.

Kira: Takashi your gadget is working fine but can I bring someone with me back to my apartment from there can I boss

Takashi: sure you can bring your favourite someone with you just pick one

Kira: Rei...shall we get going on and come on let go and some adventure together with you along with me *vanished*

Right back at the Sakura house Kira and Ozono were not there but they appeared back at the apartment work centre place where Takashi was taken to see them had arrived back here safe with Ozono Rei.

Ozono: wait why am I here inside I can see you all back from the Sakura house

Morita: nii-chan please call me back once Kira and Ozono have finished their day off together with both of them

Kira: Morita count on me with Rei and besides Takashi senpai can call you back again once he has free time on his work schedule right, boss

When Kira turns the phone camera around to Takashi he puts his thumb up toward his sister who is here together with the rest of the Sakurazaka46 idol members.

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