Chapter 6: Matsuda and Rena were turn Onuma back as the serial killer

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Meanwhile, back at the Sakura house where Onuma is not using her dark magic power as she has been pulled out of her way to been reject something that could been contained back to her members as they will turned back as serial killers.

Matsuda: Rena please help me hold your girlfriend while Kira here can help us bring Onuma as the serial killer

Rena: I didn't want to hurt her that much just because of everything that she had done to the 3rd gen member

Kira: Okay are you guys ready to turn Onuma back into the serial killer any minute now

Later Rena and Matsuda were holding Onuma while she was ready to let go of both of their hand suddenly Kira opened the potion and she was put into Onuma's mouth and let her drink out of the blue, Rena and Matsuda stepped back away from Onuma and see if she were back as the serial killer.

Hinano: wait...what is going on here?

Morita: Hinano...please let them handle Onuma back again as the serial killer

Hinano: you can't do that if she uses her dark magic power to hurt some member and she will have her second and last death penalty curse wish inside her heart

Right before Onuma, we're back to becoming the serial killer as her eyes turn back to normal Rena sees that she is okay and settled down but Onuma rejects her moment for time to be with her side.

Rena: Onuma...why are you rejecting my crush from you and you didn't want us to be together again

Hinano: wasn't like that what did she reject you she had her first impression that you can bring Onuma back without using her dark magic power right, Akiho?

Onuma: yes...that was true but there is something you should do to make me feel at home it some sweet kiss just from you Rena

In the meantime, Matsuda had to walk closer to Onuma and she touched her shoulder Matsuda could have some flashbacks that Rena could bring back Onuma Akiho and she wouldn't use dark magic power to hurt someone else besides herself.

Takemoto: Matsuda what did you see? When you touched Onuma's shoulder did you have some flashback moments

Matsuda: no it's not that but I think Rena can bring back Onuma as soon as possible after she has her last moments to live and she will accept her death penalty curse wish isn't that right, Onuma

Onuma: yes...Matsuda that was true and I will accept my death penalty curse wish as a reward by Rena

Without any sound coming from Onuma she had vanished back from the Sakura house and Hinano couldn't go with her side anymore just needed to stay with Morita's side for a long time.

Morita: wait...Hinano you didn't go with Onuma side just stay here with us

Hinano: Onuma had fired me seeing she didn't want me to go on her side but I would take care of Rena if she showed up somewhere

Rena: please Hinano let me help Onuma as her girlfriend to be safe and let her talk to me and bring other members' dead bodies alive again

Back at the same place where she was inside at the abandoned place, Hinano wasn't there by her side anymore there were new two people who were there were waiting for her to reach and it was known as someone who had betrayed by his side friend as to become loyalty to Onuma Akiho.

Haruki: welcome back Onuma Akiho we are been waiting for your return as the serial killer and my name is Yamaguchi Haruki and I am the awakening vampire of course at your service *bow*

Butler: Onuma Akiho my name is Butler and I am Haruki vampire Butler as your service please take a seat down while we show you the real serial killer show become

Onuma: as you know I had some problems with the death penalty curse wish that if I use my dark magic power on my member I will get a second and last warning for getting close to dying

After Haruki and Butler had taken her rest planned she took a day off just to let these two handle other members as much as Onuma could acting like some sweet boss by herself as much as they didn't know what was coming soon to see that they were going to meet them tomorrow or the next day itself.

Onuma: Haruki and Butler can you take some rest maybe we can go ahead to start killing some other members who are getting in my way

Haruki: sure of course as you wish Onuma

Butler: oh I can't wait to see their faces as they didn't know that Haruki had someone who had been looking for him since he had gone missing over the years ago

Once Onuma closed the abandoned place gate and let them take some rest back at the Sakura house where there were some of the different members came back to the house and asked Hinano if she had seen her brother coming back from the Hinata house.

Haruyo: Hinano...did you see my brother who had come here past these couple of days later

Hinano: sorry Haruyo and I didn't know that you had a brother of your own but who is his name then if he was your brother

Haruyo: well...his name was Yamaguchi Haruki and he had been missing for about two years now and I didn't want to see him with anyone else except for Onuma who had just turned into the serial killer right

Before the Sakura and Hinata members had talked to each other Hinano and Morita left them and went back inside the room to have a reunion moment together she had missed a lot of fun with Morita Hinano pushed her down against the floor room and some kisses on her lips as Morita was happy to have Hinano back once again.

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