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Pacing back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth.

" Never look and the border, never walk on the border, never cross the border " they would say

But here I am, standing next to the border still on our side.

If I do cross my hair would stand out like a peg. Since I was born with freakishly white hair, the medic said I might be Marie Antoinette syndrome.

But that's quite alright since it matches my pale white skin and plush rosy cheeks. My eyes are light blue with a dark circle, around my pupil and a thick black ring around the outside of my iris.

My lips aren't very I guess you would call normal. I'm about 5'5 not very tall but personally I could take any one on.

I like to follow with the group but if shit happens, it happens. I don't really get why people freak out over shit. It's going to happen anyway, so as you can tell from my personality I'm a go with the flow girl.

I'm not a hippy! I will bear my fangs to anyone who opposites me! The fur will fly if you don't follow my rules.

If you haven't already guessed I am in fact a werewolf. A strong, willing, respectful werewolf. My mother died when I was two, so I'm left with my father. Mr. Alpha of our pack, controlling my every step. He wants me to become the new alpha when I turn 18.

That's two years away! I don't want to become the alpha, I'd rather be one of the pack members instead of alpha's daughter.

That's why tonight I'm sneaking out, off of our territory. Crossing the border. Who knows what lives on the other side of this border. What ever it is, I'm going to find out.

I eyed the border like it was some mysterious rock that fell out of the sky. The border its self was a large stone wall that stretched as far as the eye could see, it could easily be climbed over by a four year old. It was about 5ft tall, just a few inches shorter than me.

My craving for adventure started to set, the feeling of mystery pitted in my stomach, my eyes were locked on the wall.

" I'll be back before the sun sets " I reassured myself

I stepped closer to the wall, I placed one hand on a smooth cold stone set inside the ruff cement-like adhesive.

I inched my hand up the wall to the top which lay flat solid stone. I put my other hand to the top of the border.

I stiffened my arms and bawled my hands into fist still trying to think this through.

' no one is here to tell me not too, so why shouldn't I do this? I mean nothing bad will happen to me, I'll just be gone for a few minutes. No one will notice '

I took a deep breath, breathing in and out. In and out. In and out. I lifted myself onto the top and sat there for a bit.

What would my pack do if I was caught? Would they disown me? Would I become a lone wolf? I looked back at the forest I came from. It was calling out to me, crying for me to come back into its embrace.

I blew a kiss to my land before hopping off the border and onto the other side. I was free


The first thing I noticed was the air, it was a tad bit breezy. But the air was cooler and sweet, like maple.

Of course it was clean and fresh out our side, but it didn't smell anything like this. How could a simple stone wall change that?

The second thing I noticed was there were a lot more pine and oak trees, more flowers and vegetation on this side. We have flowers and mostly willow trees on our side, most of our plants were eatable since we are omnivores.

As I wandered farther into this unknown terra, I picked up the strange atmosphere that circled around my body nipping at skin.

The feeling that I was unwanted here and whatever didn't want me here was following me. I that didn't stop me, it was probably my mind trying to get me to head back.


Ten minutes in, the sun started to set to the south casting my shadow in front of me. I promised myself that I would turn back, before sundown.

I looked back to see how far I had gone, the border looked like a long sleeping snake in the distance.

If I didn't start walking back now, people would start to look for me. I turned my head back, to the direction I was headed in.

Further down I could see one thing that peaked my interest. One willow tree in the opening of the forest.

Why was there only one? I made a quick decision, to walk to the tree and head back to the border.

I took quick leaps over to the edge of the forest, checked around before entering into the open.

It wasn't a very far walk to the tree, it's large vines shaded whatever lurked behind them. I dared not to get any closer, the tree was pulsing an unfriendly aura.

I turned right back around and headed for the border, a bit uneasy about this place I started to walk a bit quicker. The sun had already gone down, I heard the howl of a male alarming everyone I was gone.

I sprinted to the border, changing into a wolf in the process. I howled back telling my pack, I was okay for now at least.

That feeling of someone watching me had come back, probably because I could hear: branches breaking from the pine trees and twig snapping behind me.

I heard a thunderous burst from in front of me. A whole tree was falling, I skidded to a stop before it crushed me to death.

Someone or something was trying to kill me. That was an obvious death threat. Another tree fell inches away from where I was standing.

Laughter erupted from behind trees, but which trees? In the dark it looked like there were thousands of them.

I dropped my head low to the ground and released a low warning growl. The laughter grew louder and louder, voices could be hear as well

" what are we going to do with this one? It crossed over the border without heed to our warning "

" capture and torture I have a feeling this one will break easy " both of the voices were male or at least sounded like it

I took a mad dash to the border hopping over, the two trees that had been knocked over. Not looking behind me but I could hear the footsteps gaining on me.

That's when one dropped in front of me from an oak tree, it looked almost human. It stuck an arm out, like it was trying to stop me. I didn't stop I tried to run past it.

Instead it picked me up by my snout and hurdled me into the trunk of a tree. I let out a scream as my spine made contact with the edgy wood.

I couldn't move, the pain burned through my body like lava. My once white fur became red, as blood seeped out of my back.

I couldn't help but change back into my human form and lay there helpless. I clenched my fists and endured the pain. Tears filled my eyes making it hard to see the five figures circled around my naked body.

Ugh I wish I wasn't naked right know, thank god my hair could and was cover everything.

I cried silently " please help me "

A voice sneered " oh yeah.....this one will be fun to break "

Shifting in and out of consciousness I felt a slight change in the wind as I was lifted into the air and thrown on a males broad shoulder. I was being carried deeper into the forest.

I reached out for the border, then everything became blurry before I heard my entire pack call out for me.

I closed my eyes and blacked out. I was no longer free.


Marie Antoinette Syndrome- is a sudden whitening of the hair. The event that named the syndrome was the observation that the hair of unhappy and ill-fated Queen Marie Antoinette of France turned stark white the night before her execution in the French Revolution.

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