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The smell of sulfur permeated my nose, the dry burning smell teased and tickled till I sneezed. Then I opened my eyes to the horror, hard stone floors. Rough cement-like walls and a shining sliver bars. Teaming with magic, perfect to keep a werewolf like me from transforming. But I felt more in the air, I felt surrounded.

The entire room was lit by firelight, who knows what was outside of this room. It was dark and quiet, except for the occasionally drips of water hitting the floor which coming from an unknown water source.

I wish I had never crossed that border, now I was laying naked in a room full of sliver with a horrible pain in my back. I tried to sit up but fell back down with a scream, the burning in my back had been replaced by a sore ache.

I put my head to the ground and clenched my teeth, I know it will heal in a few days but now I had to bear with the suffering.

I whined through my teeth, shocks ran up and down my spine. I stayed down so I didn't have to stress my muscles.

A familiar sound wavered in the air, footsteps coming in my direction. Finally I get to meet the person who was responsible for this.

" would you like to tell me your name? " a rough male voice asked

' did this person really think I was going to say my name ' I thought

" you pack was crying all night, so you must be somewhat important "

" I slept through the entire night? " I muttered under my breath

" haha yes you did. Did your have a good sleep? "

The footsteps ended in front of my cell, a tall dark haired male stood tall and proud. About 6'2 and bright green eyes with thick black rings around the rim of his irises, they were mesmerizing. They quickly drew in my attention, they made me feel self-conscious since I was still butt naked.

Nice toned body, cream-color skin with a faint hue of pink, shinning white teeth almost radiant. Then there were his fangs, long and sharp to the tips. Pure white, not a spot of yellow, I feel that he might be the kind of person that obsesses over the whiteness of his teeth.

" again to the subject of.....who are you? "

No words came out of my mouth, why would I want to answer to him. He was not my boss, I probably had a higher authority than him.

" please answer me....if you don't I may have to hurt you again.... "

Hurt me, hurt me, hurt me, if I weren't in this room seething with silver I would have killed him. Instead I asked him

" were you the one who threw me against the tree?! "

He went silent but grinned maliciously, he was the one who did this to me.

I sat up without warning in mermaid form, I surprised my own back which burst into flaming pain once more. I dropped my head to my shoulder, the pain had spread to my chest. My lungs were now on fire, I whined.

He growled " your suffering....makes me laugh "


He laughed " what if he can't find you....don't forget you broke the rules and crossed the border "

My one little streak of hope had been broken, I forgot, I crossed the border.

" not so excited now are we "

I was about to cry and he was rubbing it in, I really just want to go home.

" where am I? " I cried

" I'll ask the questions first okay. Then I'll give you your answers. Deal? "

" deal! " I want to get answers, but I wanted to go home more than anything

" impatient are we? "

I snapped at him " shut up and ask me your stupid questions! "

He drew back at my words, his face flashed from a testing smile to an annoyed grin but it turned back into a smile within seconds.

I lessened my tone with him as he leaned on the bars crunching and bending them with his hands. So strong.

" okay then, lets start with your name "

" Azura " I answered quickly glancing from the damage he made on the bars back to his face, his emotions were incredibly hard to read but his body language was laid back. It seemed he wasn't going to do too much more damage today.

" I'm guessing your a werewolf, am I right? "

" yes " I answered quickly

" what exactly are you to your pack? Why were they howling all night what were they saying. If you were conscious enough to hear them? "

I went quiet should I really be answering him, what if he tells someone important about me and hunts down my pack. What was he planning? I looked at the guy who was staring back at me, narrowed eyes trying to figure me out. Waiting for my answer, I dropped my head. I didn't want to look at his face, while I told him who exactly I was.

" I did not hear what they said but I guess they would have been alarming the rest of the pack I was gone. Since...I am the alphas daughter ".

I looked at his unmistakable green eyes, his expression didn't change but his eyes did. I saw the glimmer of a beast rise inside, it grew hungry. His eyes inched up each part of my body.

His smile grew wider as he broke the bars, climbing inside. I felt like a human inside a shark tank, with sharks that hadn't been fed in weeks.

I would have moved away but I could no longer move, his eyes hypnotized me, pulling me in once again to look at him and only him. I could only breath and feel scared.

He knelled down in front of me, he moved closer to my face. I could feel his breath on my cheek moving closer to my ear as he whispered

" it will only hurt more if you scream "

What was that suppose to mean? What was he about to do?

He glided to my neck and kissed it, I wanted to scream and run....but I couldn't. He slid his hand down my hair, then to the other side of my neck all while swirling in circles with his tongue. Suddenly he grabbed a handful of my hair and without warning sunk every inch of his fangs into my neck.

I couldn't scream, I couldn't cry, I couldn't run. All I could do was breath in quick short breaths and let the tears sting my eyes. Minutes later he pulled his fangs out slowly and let go of my hair, I fell to the cold hard ground paralyzed.

He wiped his mouth and licked his fingers, then he took off his shirt and dropped it in front of me. He swallowed

" if you already haven't already guessed I am a vampire also known as the leader around this side of the border. I'll even let you live....for a pint of your blood everyday "

I couldn't say anything the only thing that I could do was twitch my fingers. He hopped over the hole he made in the gate. Then walked away saying

" Good Morning Azura "

He disappeared down the hallway laughing, I coudn't live like this. If he was going to take a pint everyday, I wanted to go home so very badly.

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