"Revelation in the Rain"

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Location: School Courtyard


• Tyler: Caught in a sudden downpour.

• Brandon: Rushes to join Tyler under shelter.

Time of Day: Early evening, after school hours.

[The scene opens with dark clouds gathering over the school. Tyler is in the courtyard, putting his sketchbook away as the first drops of rain begin to fall. He's alone, seemingly lost in thought.]

[As the rain starts pouring down, Tyler hurries to take shelter under a small canopy. He's drenched, but his sketchbook is safe. He looks out at the rain, a contemplative expression on his face.]

[Brandon, who had been leaving the school, spots Tyler and jogs over to the canopy. He's also caught in the rain, his hair and clothes damp.]

Brandon: (Breathless) "Didn't expect a downpour today, huh?"

Tyler: (Surprised) "No, I didn’t."

[There's an awkward silence as they both watch the rain. The sound of the downpour is almost soothing.]

[Brandon takes a deep breath, seeming to wrestle with his thoughts.]

Brandon: "Tyler, I... I've been thinking a lot lately. About you. About me."

[Tyler turns to look at Brandon, his expression guarded but curious.]

Tyler: "What about us?"

[Brandon hesitates, then looks directly at Tyler, his expression earnest.]

Brandon: "I think I've been wrong. About a lot of things. About you, about myself..."

[Tyler listens, his face unreadable. The rain continues to pour around them, creating a cocoon-like atmosphere.]

Brandon: "I'm tired of pretending, of hiding who I am. I'm... I think I might be..."

[He struggles to find the words, but his eyes never leave Tyler’s.]

Brandon: "...like you. And I hate that it scares me."

[Tyler's expression softens. He steps closer to Brandon, the rain a mere whisper now.]

Tyler: "It's okay to be scared. But you're not alone, Brandon."

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