"A Mother's Ultimatum"

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Location: Tyler's House, Tyler's Room


• Tyler: Defensive, emotional.

• Tyler's Mother: Disapproving, firm.

Time of Day: Night.

[The scene opens in Tyler's room. Tyler is sitting on his bed, looking troubled. His mother knocks and enters, her expression a mix of concern and disapproval.]

Tyler's Mother: "Tyler... I need to talk to you. Have you and that... boy... Brandon, done... 'things' together?"

[Tyler looks up, surprised and defensive. He hesitates, then nods slowly, his face showing a mix of defiance and fear.]

Tyler: "Yes, we have. What's wrong with that?"

[His mother takes a deep breath, her tone firm but laced with disappointment.]

Tyler's Mother: "It's unacceptable, Tyler. I don't approve of this lifestyle. I want you to stop seeing him."

[Tyler stands up, his emotions surfacing. His voice is a mix of anger and desperation.]

Tyler: "You can't just ask me to stop seeing someone I care about! It's not a 'lifestyle,' it's who I am!"

[His mother remains unmoved, her stance unwavering.]

Tyler's Mother: "As long as you're living under our roof, you need to respect our rules and beliefs. I won't have you engaging in such behavior."

[Tyler, feeling trapped and misunderstood, responds with a mix of sadness and frustration.]

Tyler: "Then maybe I can't live under this roof anymore. If being myself is so wrong to you, I'll find somewhere I belong."

[His mother looks shocked at his statement, but her expression hardens.]

Tyler's Mother: "If that's your choice, so be it. But think about what you're giving up."

[The scene ends with Tyler, heartbroken and resolute, beginning to pack a few belongings, while his mother leaves the room, her own emotions masked by her stern demeanor.]

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