"A Startling Coincidence"

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Location: School Library


• Brandon: Shocked, reflective.

• Alex: Hesitant, revealing.

Time of Day: Midday.

[The scene opens in the quiet school library. Brandon and Alex are seated at a table, surrounded by books. There’s a comfortable silence between them as they study. Brandon, looking up from his book, speaks casually.]

Brandon: "So, what's your actual hair color, if you don't mind me asking?"

[Alex hesitates for a moment, then looks up with a small, almost shy smile.]

Alex: "Oh, uh... it's pink."

[Brandon’s expression freezes in shock, a flood of memories visibly washing over him. He's speechless, his mind racing back to Tyler and his distinctive pink hair.]

Brandon (stammering): "....Pink? That's... that's quite a coincidence."

[Alex notices Brandon's reaction and becomes concerned.]

Alex: "Is everything okay? Did I say something wrong?"

[Brandon quickly recovers, forcing a smile, though his eyes still hold a hint of sadness.]

Brandon: "No, no, it's just... someone I used to know had pink hair too. It was... unexpected to hear that."

[Alex nods, understanding the unspoken depth of Brandon's reaction.]

Alex: "I guess we all have things from our past that stick with us, huh?"

[Brandon looks at Alex, a mix of sorrow and affection in his eyes.]

Brandon: "Yeah, some things never really leave us. But it's also nice to know that new experiences can still surprise us."

[The scene closes with them returning to their books, a new layer of understanding between them, as the camera pans out, capturing the quiet bond they are forming.]

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