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Location: School Courtyard


• Brandon: Surprised, curious.

• Alex (New Student): Nervous, revealing a secret.

Time of Day: Afternoon.

[The scene opens in the school courtyard. Brandon and Alex, the new student, are sitting on a bench, enjoying a quiet moment after school. Alex appears nervous and contemplative.]

Alex: "Brandon, there's something I need to tell you... something important."

[Brandon looks at Alex, his expression turning from casual to concerned.]

Brandon: "What's up? Is everything okay?"

[Alex takes a deep breath, his voice hesitant but determined.]

Alex: "Eh... actually, 'Alex' is not my real name. I just... I don't remember it. I lost my memory in an accident a year ago. They started calling me Alex at the hospital."

[Brandon's eyes widen in surprise and concern.]

Brandon: "I had no idea... Are you okay? I mean, how are you dealing with all this?"

[Alex looks down, fidgeting with his hands, then meets Brandon's gaze.]

Alex: "It's been tough, not knowing who I was. But I'm trying to move forward, to build a new life, even if I can't remember the old one."

[Brandon, moved by Alex's situation, offers a supportive smile.]

Brandon: "That's incredibly brave of you. If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know. We all deserve a fresh start, a chance to redefine ourselves."

[Alex smiles back, a sense of relief in his eyes.]

Alex: "Thank you, Brandon. That means a lot. I guess we're both learning to navigate new paths, huh?"

[The camera captures a moment of mutual understanding and newfound friendship between them before the scene fades to black.]

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