RC5/Comet: 02 - Ghost/Hei's Last Gift For Jude

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Jude Tsukihime POV

Now I am on the Earth flying in the skies with one of the GNW-100A Sakibure colored in crimson and black for my personal use I arrive to this palace via this Sakibure's Quantum Teleportation and being controlled by me who is wearing my favorite civilian clothes and my Haro while in the Sakibure's hands carrying a human size casket.

I encounter this place since this location is a few Islands away from the testing ground of my Exia Dark Matter, making it remember my first Gundam since it was Exia based and most of all this was where I met Catherine or C.C. for the first time recruiting her to Brave Vesperia when I was testing the Exia Dark Matter more but I am going to use this place as the resting spot for Hei not before Nena disrespected the corpse a bit for revenge for killing her brothers which I allow for a few minutes only.

As I found a place that is just by a cliff with a view to see I landed the Sakibure on the spot that would be fitting for Hei as I first gently place the casket aside then I started to make a grave for Hei since he will be remembered as Yuuji Kaiba not as Hei but still he was my second rival in this world since the first one is Graham.

I started to dig a hole with the Sakibure's shovel and place Hei's casket since I started to make a Casket for him and as well a gravestone after I dig I carefully place it down along with the help of a Sakibure after I bury him I got out of the Mobile Worker and place the gravestone and an hand made cross and I start to pray for his soul.

Jude: In your hands, O Lord, we humbly entrust our brothers and sisters. In this life you embraced them with your tender love; deliver them now from every evil and bid them eternal rest. The old order has passed away: welcome them into paradise, where there will be no sorrow, no weeping or pain, but fullness of peace and joy with your Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Jude: Rest in peace and thank you again for the all battles up until now my rival.

I gave my last thanks and respect to my fallen rival I boarded the Sakibure and took off to the sky.

Jude: Haro please control the Sakibure and teleport us to the Union Japan where the Lawyer I'm supposed to meet at one of our warehouses at the docks.

Jude's Haro: Understood! Understood!

My Haro takes control of the Sakibure activates the Quantum Teleportation System as all of the GN Condensers shoot shot GN Particles in front of us as it forms a circular green portal as my Sakibure enters it while the portal behind us disappeared as usual and the location was just one kilometer away from Japan and my Haro move the Sakibure.

The Sakibure activated its Optimal Camouflage to completely blend in with the surroundings as for me I put on my face mask and blonde wig that made me Amuro Ray since Hei left me everything he has under that alias while wearing my Third Meijin Kawaguchi outfit.

We arrived as the roof of the dock warehouse opened up, thankful no one was around to witness that as my Haro landed inside of the warehouse then the roof closed.

Jude: Haro turn off Sakibure for now and ready to activate it just in case.

Jude's Haro: You got it! You got it!

The cockpit hatch opens up as I got out landed on the ground with a small bag on me since it contains everything I need to inherit what Hei left me I exit the warehouse and docks with the already ready motorbike inside of the warehouse getting inside of it as the garage doors open I drive the motorbike out of the warehouse then the garage door closes then to the street.

I arrive to my location where the lawyer which was a personal small building if am right this lawyer is pretty skilled at what he does so much that Hei left in charge of what he intented on giving me once I found a parking spot after getting off and locking the motorbike I proceeded to enter the building when I did the assistant on her desk saw and greeted me.

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