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Along the next few days Percy finds a routine that feels almost normal. Every morning he learns Ancient Greek from Annabeth which he found to be less difficult than English. 

Then he'd be taken around by Luke to find something he'd be good at. That's been a failure. 

He doesn't see Morana around much. She'd come to the cabin later than anyone else, wake up earlier and slip out before anyone can notice. 

Maybe once a day he sees her gliding at the sky, sitting high up at the roof of the Hermes cabin, reading a book or talking with Chiron, both usually sporting serious faces, not that it's that uncommon for the girl anyway. 

Once he saw her gliding above the trees towards the woods, making him remember Chiron telling him about the dangers. But then Percy remembered that Morana is literally the child of death. He doesn't know what she can do, but after seeing Clarisse scared, who to Percy seems like one of the ugly monsters in the woods, he recons she can fight off a few ungodly creatures -being one of those herself. 

Or when they eat. At the pavilion, she always sits in that very same spot of the table, same good meter on her left and who ever is sitting closest to her, leaning towards the other way as if trying to be as far as possible.

She doesn't seem that scary to Percy. 

Well guess he'll find out sooner than he thought he would.  

He wakes up with a start that morning, sunlight flooding into the Hermes cabin

He raises up slowly, shaking his curly head of hair slightly, rubbing sleep from his eyes. When he opens the sea-green orbs again and looks forward, he's met with a brown skinned girl with an orange shirt, sitting at a bunk opposite Percy's floor spot. Her arms are crossed on her chest and her face is like set in stone. 

"Morning?" Percy says slowly, voice a bit groggy. "Annabeth's right. You drool when you sleep", is all she says, making Percy scoff and stand up, looking for his shoes. 

"Where's Luke?" The boy asks, standing up and pulling one shoe on. He looks to his side to see Morana standing up from the bed. "You're with me today", she tells him, making him furrow his brows and look to the side briefly. 

"Why?" Percy questions, making Morana cock a brow at him. "Ask Luke", she states before starting to walk out of the cabin, making the blonde boy hastily pull his other shoe on his foot, making him almost fall as he jumps on one foot and then runs after the curly haired girl. 

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