Call to Duty (Again)

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Percy POV

Here, I thought life couldn't get more annoying. We defeat Gaea, and during the spring of next year, I get Iris messaged from camp by Chiron. I get off the call, and after talking to Annabeth, she decides I should go as it is only the spring, and I will see her again in the summer.

So the next day, I head off to camp in the cold damp weather. Even if it is almost summer, Hades didn't want Persephone to leave, so he kept her for a bit longer. she just recently got back and is working her magic on the land.

I walked up to Thalia's old pine tree thinking about when she was still there. I sighed, thinking about the good times we had, which granted were not that many. I chuckled to myself and then continued walking.

I kept going until I hit The Big House. I walked onto the porch, my fingers running across the railing and then on the table before my hand then reached the door handle. I sighed and faced the inevitable. I pushed open the doors, and my eyes immediately went to Chiron. I started with an angry tone, probably not the best thing to start with, but he interrupted my year, and I wanted to give him a piece of my mind.

"Why the Hades did you think it would be a good idea to interrupt my summer!" "Percy." He said,"I know that you are angry, but believe me, it is a good reason." What could possibly be more important than me having some good old relaxation!" I retorted."How about five new demigods." My face quickly turned from anger to shock "in the same place?" I questioned. "Yes." He replied

"Where?" I pressed. "A place called the galaxy Garrison. We already have a scout there called Adam. In fact, he is waiting for me to, Iris, message him about who I am sending. "And you chose me." I continued. "Yes." He said, acknowledging my annoyed tone

"OK, let's get this over with so I can get this done. The sooner I complete this, the sooner it is till I come back to camp," I respond. He picks up a drachma and motions for me to make some mist. I wave my hand, and some mist appears in the air. He then tosses the coin in and says, "Oh fleece, do me a solid, show me Adam at the Galaxy Garrison."

A large image appears with a man that looks to be in his late twenties, with dark brown hair like Hazel's in a uniform that looks like one of those astronaut uniforms. He looks up at us, revealing dark brown eyes and a hard gaze. His eyes widen when he sees me, and then they relax again when they see Chiron. "Chiron." He says simply. Chiron responds with a nod before introducing me.

"This is Percy Jackson," he says, putting his hands on my shoulder. "He is a son of Poseidon he may attract a lot of monsters, but he is well equipped to fight them." Adam raises his eyebrow before nodding his head slightly. "Have you given him the yearbook I gave you?" Chiron shakes his head no, and Adam sighs. "Chiron, we talked abo-" "Adam, I am
aware, but Percy is already not happy about doing this mission, and he is the only one who is strong enough to protect them."

I rolled my eyes. "Can we move on, please?" I asked. "Yes, we should," Adam continued. "Percy, you are to protect five students, and when you find out who they are, we will be ready to get you to camp." "Very well." I said. "When do I leave." Adam checked his watch before responding. "Right about now." As if on cue, I felt as though my atoms my very being was being ripped apart, and as soon as it had begun, it stopped.

I opened my eyes, and I was in the same room as Adam. He looked at me, surprised, and slightly worried, I looked to my right and saw a small suitcase and a backpack along with a digital key for my dorm, I suspect. I look back to Adam and he looks back at Chiron and says goodbye. He then swipes his hand through the Iris message.

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