Why can't I catch a break

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Percy POV

Of course, I wake up from a nightmare. I feel the syringe exits my wrist. I am a sweaty mess. I decided to stay up the rest of the night and not go back to sleep because the nightmares might come back. On top of that, I almost get bullied the next day, and to top it all off, a monster is attacking the school. I first sensed it when my new friends were showing me around the building. Come to think of it I never asked their names I thought. That thought skedaddled the second I smelled a monster. My gaze hardened and I sniffed the air again. Yep, there is definitely a monster around here. I curse silently. My gaze softens again when I see the one on my left looking at me with a confused expression I quickly returned to my friendly demeanor I looked over to the one that was giving me a weird look and asked a question. "Hey is there a bathroom nearby?" He pointed down the way we came towards a corner, perfect , I thought

I can put on my armour. As I am jogging I turn back and thank him I turn the corner and there is no one there. I smile to myself and pull out a small disk that Chiron had Leo make. "Lets hope this works." I place the disk on my chest and it expands into a full suit of armour with a helmet that almost completely hides my head, only my chin is slightly visible. I pull ripide out of my pocket and uncap it the former pen then springs into my sword Anaklusmos never gets old I sigh and swing it to my side.

 I walk slowly around the corner. Turning to face the group, I see the red one look back at me with surprise and tap the green one and yellow one on the shoulder. the green one lets out a small yelp of surprise when he sees me. Shiro looks back at me and nods his head. I nod back and slowly approach I brush past the star-struck group and my eyes settle on the monster in front of me. If I hadn't been expecting a strong monster I would have taken a step back in shock. I catch my breath and then advance on the monster I had met on my first quest the Chimera a baby one but unlike the one I had faced at the Saint Louis Arch, however, this one did not have Echidna with it. I started quickly walking towards it and I bring my sword up from it's position at my side and activate my shield.

 I then rush towards the monster. As this corridor is small, I won't have a lot of room to maneuver. As I near the monster it tries to strike it's tail at me I quickly slide under the blow, dragging my sword along it's underside I then twist and stab it in the back. It explodes into golden dust, luckily it doesn't get on me. I then run off down the hall and as soon as I turn the corner I take off my armour, cap riptide, and then vapour travel to me coming around the corner. I run up and look around at my new friends with a fake surprised look. "What the heck happened to y'all?" I ask the red one turns to look at me "If we told you, you wouldn't believe us."

 I roll my eyes. "Try me." I say. They begin to tell me what they just saw I listen closely not showing any emotion. When they finish I raise my eyebrow. "I believe you." I say simply. They all look at me surprised I can almost hear their brains working for a response. I turn around and start walking down the hall. Pidge yells after me "Where are you going." I turn my head "To Adam of course." I turn my head back a smile on my face. We just found our Demigods. I think to myself.

?????? POV

"He will fall to me." The figure cocks his head towards the voice "How can you be sure Master." I hear a low growling "He puts his friends before anybody else." The figure seems nervous, "How can you sure?" I try to turn to run but my feet are frozen in place. I fall down to my knees and clutch my head in pain as a powerful throbbing surges through my brain I hear a raspy voice above me. "It seems we have an eavesdropper." I raise my head to see a second person right in front of me. When I do so the pain seems to double. I clutch my head and scream in pain. I look up and the scene has changed. I look upon a ruined Camp Half-Blood. Tears begin to stream down my face. I feel hot breath in my ear. "In the end this will be your fate. Savour the peaceful times. They will not last much longer Earth Mother's defeat led the way to my revival." The scene then changes to Camp Jupiter. I feel the hot breath in my ear again. "It's your fault it's all your fault." I summon a sword in my hand and slash where this phantom should be. All I hit is a wisp of smoke. My vision goes black and I shoot up in bed "Percy." I yell. I then look my left and see the rest of the seven looking at me with concern. Annabeth leans down "What did you see?" Tears filling my eyes clouding my sight. My head falls into my hands. "I saw our demise," I say. "Kronos returns."


Bum Bum Bum!!!!

Yeah, so I didn't want to do the thing where Nyx comes back for a reason I will explain later. Let's just say it would cause some problems. Also Coran and Allura are in this, they are just children of the gods. I don't know which ones yet. So if you have any idea tell me in the comments.

Anyways I think about one or two more chapters before they go to Camp Half-Blood. Also if you have any guesses for who the ? POV is, comment I do mention the character one place if you think you know who it is you know how to guess. See yall next time.

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