The Truth

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Keith's POV

After Percy ran off to find Adam, we decided we would follow. When we got the door, he and Adam were having a conversation. "How can you be sure," Adam said. "It just has to be them. You heard what I said from what I saw and heard. It has to be them." Percy argued. "I just feel like we are jumping to conclusions on this Perce." "What do you mean we have no other, option camp starts tomorrow. If we don't do this now, we may not get another chance." Percy retorted. "I just feel like you were a bit too quick to jump to conclusions -" Adam suddenly cut off, and Percy butted in. "We have eavesdroppers ." I looked back at the rest of the group with concern he couldn't know we were here. "You would have to have inhuman senses, who is he. I thought. "Come in," he called. We all stepped into the room reluctantly. H/e looked back at us with disappointment. I jumped out first, "What do we not know about you?" he rubbed his eyes and started strolling about the room aimlessly. "OK," he said finally. "First of all, what are your names?" We went in turn. I started, and we went down the line until we got to Shiro, and before he said his name, Percy stopped him. "Alright, I have a guess for your name. Is it Shiro, maybe?" he looked at us expectantly. Shiro nodded his head. "I thought so," he says shortly. He then walks to the other side of the room. "Have you ever heard of Greek or Roman mythology?" He asks. All of us look at him confused. That's when the shadows in the room start getting pulled to one corner. They gather into one large mass, and a black dog leaped out of the shadows. He stumbled back. I looked over at the dog, and I saw eight other people, the one at the front, hopped off the dog, walked over to Percy and slapped him in the face. Percy then started laughing. "You idiot." She said with an angry tone. Just then, one of the boys with black hair fell off onto the floor. One of the other boys exclaimed, "Nico!!!" He jumped off the dog and knelt next to the boy who fell. "What have I told you about shadow traveling." He pulls out a bottle with golden liquid and pours some into the boys open mouth. The boy glows a golden hue, and then it fades. The boy shoots up, and then the boy who gave him the drink then slaps him in the face, and he looks offended they stand up, and the rest of the kids slide off the dog. "What the heck is that?" Pidge says, pointing at the dog."Oh yeah, that is Ms O'Leary she is a hell hound. Normally, they are aggressive, but somehow, a man named Daedalus tamed her." The blonde girl explained. Pidge's eyes widen in shock. "As in the great Greek architect?" All of the newcomers plus Percy and Adam's eyes widen in shock. "I thought you didn't know anything about Greek or Roman mythology?" I see all the newcomers  look above Pidge's head, and a smile comes on all of their faces as all of us look up. we can see the glowing symbol of an owl on a branch fading. Then Lance and Hunk get a symbol. Lance gets a bow and arrow, and Hunk has a flaming hammer. Shiro doesn't get anything, but he says he's already been claimed. So that leaves me alone. The only one who hasn't gotten someone, who hasn't gotten a symbol. Percy looks at me confused. He looks back at the other people questioningly. but they all shrug their shoulders. Percy looks like he just had a light bulb moment. "Is it possible?" he says, seeming to be unsure. "What?" The girl who slapped him asked.  "I have a theory, but it is unlikely," He rolls his eyes."never mind, it's not possible." He turned away towards the rest of the group. He looked at the dog and nodded. "Sorry guys, but I have to do this." With that, he pushed the rest into the dog, and they all disappeared in the shadows. He turned back to us. "You all go get the stuff you are going to need. We will be waiting at the entrance for you guys." With that, he ushered us out of the room.

Time Skip

We all were at the entrance, but Percy and Adam weren't just as I was about to suggest that we should go look for them they came rushing towards us. Percy grabbed me by the arm, and Adam grabbed Pidge they then quickly walked through the doors with us in tow. Percy and Adam both brought out what looked like chalk they then drew a doorway in the air. Once they were finished, they stepped back, and the doorway lit up. Percy then brought out what looked like a pendant of sorts and muttered something under his breath. The previously white doorway turned orange and he gestured for us to go through it. The second I stepped through my body felt like my atoms were being ripped apart. I was the first to appear. I was on a beach next to a cabin and it was raining. My hair was stuck to my forehead. I turned around and saw that one by one, the others came through. Percy was last. He walked forward like the teleportation was nothing. He then walked up to the cabin and knocked on the door. It swung open to reveal a woman with a towel over her shoulder. She looked at Percy, absolutely shocked, and pulled him into a hug. Percy pushed her away and turned to us. "This is my mom," he said. "We are not staying here. I am just here to pick something up." His mom looks disappointed but understands and disappears back into the cabin. She has a small pouch and armor. Percy quickly strapped on the pouch and donned the armor. He turned around battle ready, and I noticed he looked similar to the one who attacked the creature that attacked us in the hall way before. "Hey Percy, did you fight that thing in the hallway?" A guilty look fell across his face. "Yes, I did. I wanted to tell you, but we had a cover, and I wasn't sure if you guys were demigods or not." With that, he started up the hill before turning back. "Oh, and don't worry about your stuff. We'll have it at camp by tomorrow. Right now it will just slow us down." With that, he continued up the hill with Adam in tow.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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