chapter 1 | a warrior's training

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HOME BECAME A NEW place. Across hours and hours of water that Leon told his daughter was the sea. That color reminded her of that boy's eyes, it shined so bright at night, and even brighter during the days. She couldn't believe the place he dreamed about was real. There was a certain smell that filled her nose, cold but fresh. Sometimes when she got close enough to the edge of the ship they were on, the sea would hit her face. Spraying her with its salty water.

"Don't stand too close to the edge," A man in a suit told the girl. Her father told her that these men were troopers from back home and that it was important that she listen to them. Her wide eyes glanced at his empty sleeve.

The second the father and daughter got the the ship, Leon was given an armband to give to his daughter. She wore it not understanding its meaning at all. She glances over to her arm noticing its bright yellow color before nodding her head to the trooper near her, "Sorry."

To the young girl, it felt like they were out there for so long with no destination. All she could see was blue for days on end.

Leon took the time on their trip to stuff books in Juliet's face. She didn't like to read all that much, but his aggression made her oblige. He'd even quiz her after she finished reading a chapter. If she got something wrong, she'd have to reread the chapter all over again until she got it right.

She read a book about her home– or Paradis. Leon told her that where they were wasn't home, Marley was home. She learned that Paradis was an island of devils that used to massacre countless people, people from other places too, that she'd never heard of.

Those people didn't seem like devils to her. Perhaps she just has never seen an actual devil so for them to be so human is strange to her.

Reading only made Juliet feel overwhelmed. Learning about the relationship between Eldians and Marleyans didn't make her feel any better about this trip. Her father told her that because she's half Eldian, some people may not treat her the same.

He tells her that she isn't like those island devils at all because she was raised Marleyan. She was raised the right way.

Even once they arrived on land, the reading didn't stop.

Her mother didn't like how hard Father was pushing her, "You think it's a sane idea to send your daughter to become a puppet of war?" Her voice is strong like she has something to prove.

Leon and Juliet were on their fifth book. From the first few chapters, she could tell this one is on the history of the origins of her home, Marley. She didn't understand it fully but she's remembering it all. The book lays open on the table in front of her, a man is presented on the page, a king of some sort she assumes.

The chair under her feels so much bigger the more her parents keep yelling at each other. It feels almost embarrassing having them fight about her while she's sitting quietly right in between them both.

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