chapter 20 | the calm

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THE TRAIN CHUGGED STEADILY along the tracks, a somber procession of metal and steam carrying precious cargo back to familiar soil. Inside the carriages, the Marleyan military sat waiting for the arrival or drank and cheered for Gabi who they titled a war hero. The rhythmic clatter of wheels on rails provided a steady backdrop to the noisy cheers of the soldiers.

Outside, the day seemed to mirror Juliet's mood, the sky cloaked in a thick blanket of clouds. The sun, struggling to pierce through the gray veil, cast a muted light over the landscape. Fields and towns rolled by in quiet tones as if nature itself had taken on Juliet's weariness, reluctant to shine too brightly on this grave journey.

The air in the train was a mix of anticipation and unease. After months— no, years, of relentless conflict, the prospect of home was both a balm and a source of anxiety.

Juliet sat right next to Pieck, Porco in front of the two. Her heart was a tumultuous blend of anticipation and dread. The thought of seeing her father again made her stomach churn. His harsh words from one of their last encounters echoed in her mind, a painful reminder of the bitter relationship they shared.

To him, she had always been more Warrior than a daughter, a weapon of war rather than the child he should've cradled and Juliet was now painfully aware of that.

As the train began to slow, Juliet took a deep breath and prepared to stand from her seat next to Pieck. Colt had celebrated a bit too enthusiastically and now slumped in his seat, his face flushed and eyes glazed. Juliet sighed, pushing her own anxieties aside for a moment. She knew he couldn't get up on his own.

Just as she moved to lift him, she felt a presence beside her. It was Porco walking right behind her. Even though they were far from friends, he saw her carrying Colt and couldn't stand there and do nothing so he offered a hand, his expression serious.

"Here, I'll help," he asked gruffly, already reaching to support Colt's other side.

Juliet nodded gratefully. Together, they hoisted Collins to his feet, his weight sagging heavily between them. The task was awkward, their movements uncoordinated at first. Yet, as they worked in unison, their shared effort seemed to dissolve some of the lingering animosity.

As soon as the doors slide open, Gabi leaps out, "Woohoo! We're finally back!"

Her hands lift above her head in excitement, "I swear, the air tastes different here in Liberio! Guess who's home!"

Juliet and Porco carefully maneuvered Colt through the door. He mutters incoherently, his legs barely supporting his weight. As they stepped off the train onto the platform, a cool breeze greeted them, mingling with the muted light of the overcast sky, "Hey. Please, I asked you not to yell."

They guided Colt towards a stone ledge nearby, gently easing him down to sit, "Yeah, well, it's your fault for drinking so much," Juliet flicks his head playfully causing the blonde to groan and pull his arm out to push her hand away.

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