chapter 13 | home again

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"THERE COULD BE TITANS anywhere, so keep your guard up!" With a thunderous gallop, the group of Scouts charges across the rough terrain, their steeds pounding the earth beneath them with primal urgency. Dust billows in their wake, swirling around them like a shroud as they press onward, their destination looming on the horizon like a distant beacon.

Commander Erwin leads up front, green hood up with a determined look in his eye, "This operation has officially begun! All troops, switch to ODM gear!"

All Scouts listen to his command, standing on their horses and using their gear to make it over Wall Maria speedily. Their green hoods remain on all their heads, hiding their identity from any enemy that may be around them.

As soon as they make it to the top, Armin, Mikasa, and Eren take a moment to look at their destroyed hometown. Eren gasps at the view, the memories flowing through him quickly.

"Don't stop!" Captain Levi runs past the group, "You get to that outer gate!"

"Right!" The three continue running toward the gate quickly.

Armin halts suddenly when he sees an unfamiliar marking left on the top of the Wall. He gets closer to it, examining it closely. He suddenly identifies it. Ashes. From a burnt-out fire.

He grunts nervously, sweat falling down from his forehead as he realizes what this means. He raises his blade in the air, getting the attention of Commander Erwin. They're here. And They're close. Bertholdt, Reiner, Juliet.

Erwin turns to see a nervous-looking Armin with his teeth gritted.

"What is it, Arlert?" Erwin makes his way toward the skittish blonde.

"Ashes, sir," Armin kneels to look closer at it, "It appears that they pushed the remains of a fire off." His finger traces along the lines of the ashes making it apparent that they attempted to push their scraps off the wall.

Erwin's face doesn't budge, "Look into it. Let me know if you find anything else."

"Yes, sir," Armin jumps off the wall to make his way down in search of anything the enemy may have left behind. He pushes the grass aside with his blades searching for any scraps or pieces. It doesn't take him long to find the broken remains of a campfire and four cups.

Four? Juliet, Bertholdt, Reiner, and another?

He picks one up, feeling it cold to the touch. That's not good. He peeks inside the mug seeing excess black liquid. He takes a sniff, smelling something similar to tea but not quiet. What was in here? It smells good.

He quickly makes his way back up to Erwin to report his findings.

As soon as he makes it back up the walls he begins to talk, "I looked into it. It's clear that someone was camping on the wall. I found cups and a cold pot on the ground, near where I spotted those ashes. They were drinking something like black tea."

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