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"You have to come, believe me, it will be fun." Selena was begging me to go to this party that I really didn't want to go. "I don't even know the people." I said looking at her. She rolled her eyes and smiled. "I'll hook you up!" She smirked. "Oh no. No way. Absolutely not. Last time you hooked me up was with a guy that was a big smoker and he watched porn while we were talking! Uh no. But I'll pass." I said looking at my phone scrolling down Twitter. Selena groaned and then Mike came. "She's not budging." Selena looked at Mike and then Mike frowned at me. "I'm sorry, I'm not a big party person, you guys know I'm not into that." I said as I put my phone down and looked at them. "Kayla, honey you have to go, only for this one time, for god's sake. You are a 19 year old that needs to go out and have fun." Mike blurted out. "Fine, if that makes you guys shut up, I'll go to this stupid party." I said rolling my eyes. Selena yelled and hugged me. "See, I know that would get her." Mike clapped his hands. "Just know, I hate you guys." I said as I got up and looked for something to wear as Mike left the room. "Sel, I have nothing to wear." I looked at her and Selena already had an outfit for me. "Oh god..." I said as I looked at it. It was a short black dress, it may be higher than my knees, I had black high heels and a black watch. It freezing, why in the world would I wear that? "Um, Selena, thanks but no thanks, it is so cold out there!" I said as I sat down on the bed looking at the outfit. "I know, silly, that's why you are wearing a long black coat and instead of the heels, you'll wear black boots." Selena smiled at me. I rolled my eyes and got started taking off my clothes. "You should really stop rolling your eyes, cause if you don't stop they will get stuck." Sel said. I laughed and then rolled my eyes. She's right though.

After twenty minutes arguing with Selena on how this dress was too short for me and how the boots make me look like a slut, I finally started doing my make up. "Red lipstick?" Selena said as she was putting some. "After you." I said as I stopped putting on mascara. I didn't put a lot, but I didn't put a little bit. Selena gave me the lipstick and I put some on. "We look hot." Selena said as we both looked at each other's outfit. "Well you do, me however, look like a slut." I said as I tried to pull down my dress a little. "You look like a hot slut then." Mike said as he walked in, checking out both of us. "She does, doesn't she babe?" Selena put a arm over Mike and kissed his cheek. "You look hotter though." He smiled at her. "You guys make me throw up." I said as I made a disgusted face and walked out. I heard them laugh, then seconds later, I chuckled a bit.


We arrived at the part twenty minutes later. All I see and hear is loud music and people dancing. There was some people outside, most of them were inside. As we walked towards the door, I got a few glances by some girls and some guys that were obviously drunk already. Mike and Selena were waving and hugging people they knew. I, however, was behind them awkwardly smiling at the people they would say hi too. See this is exactly why I am always at home. I don't know anybody here. Mike and Selena however know everybody here at this party. We walked inside and I see a lot of beer bottles and red cups. I also see a pole in the middle of the living room and two girls dancing around it. They were receiving whistles, there were some money thrown too.

I looked around and see that Mike and Selena were no where to be seen. I sighed and started to look around to see any familiar faces. As I was walking trying to figure out where in the part of the house, I was in. A guy comes my way and starts to say shit about this girl.

"Why did she leave me? Didn't she like me? I thought she loved me? Why in the world would she do that? Isn't that was love is? Where if you say you love someone you actually do love them? I said it, she said it back, why did she lie?" He kept saying over and over looking at me. I don't know what to say. He started crying and he put his head on my chest while I was there awkwardly telling him it was okay. "Why???" He said. It looked like he got his shit together so he wiped his tears and looked at me. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry." He said as he walked away. "Ha don't worry! I don't know you!" I said as I awkwardly laughed. I took out my phone and decided to call Stephanie. Stephanie is a friend that I met at a bar. I know for a fact she likes to party so if I call her, she will probably come.

"Hey Steph, you want to party tonight?"

"You are at a party?? Since when do you go to parties??"

"Since today, so do you want to come? I'll text you the address."

"Not today. I'm kind of with some one right now. But I'll call you later."

With that she hang up the phone. Who do I call now?? I walked a little bit more and I started asking people for Selena and Mike. They all didn't know where they were.

I finally got to find the way out to the backyard. Nobody was here but a few couples. They were either talking or making out. I sat down on a little bench and looked at my phone realized it was 1:30 am. I sighed and decided to text Selena to see where she is and she responded quickly that they have left and they will pick me up in 30 mins. Why the hell didn't they tell me earlier?? I don't know if I'm mad at them or if I'm mad at the fact that I haven't ate anything. I'm mad at both things.

I was at my phone scrolling through Twitter when I was seeing some tweets about how Zayn Malik might be coming back to One Direction. See, I'm a huge fan of One Direction so when I found out Zayn left, I um I cried a lot and I was depressed for at least two weeks. Sucks to be in a fandom, but it's okay. I love it. Anyways, do you guys know that feeling where you feel a presence or someone that is either looking at you or sitting next to you? Yeah well I feel that way right now, and I am kind of scared to look up because what if it's the same guy that cried about his ex girlfriend or if it is someone hot? Like you don't know.

I sigh and look up and see a very tall figure standing right in front of me, smiling. I couldn't see who it was, the light was kind of in his face. "Um. Hi?" I said. "Hey Kayla what's up?" I recognized that voice anywhere. "What do you want Alex?" I said as he managed to sit down next to me and smirk. "I almost didn't recognize you with the clothes you are wearing. You look sexy by the way." He said. "Shut up. Now what do you want?" I looked at him with a dirty look. See, Alex and I dated and it didn't end very well. As you can tell. "I had to make sure it was actually you." He said. "Okay, well now you know. So bye." I said looking at my phone again. It was almost two in the morning. Why isn't Selena here yet?? "Kayla, I need you to know that I am sorry." Alex said as he grabbed my hand. I quickly let go of his hand. "Okay, got it. Now leave." I heard him sigh. "Kayla.." I looked at him and sighed again. "Listen Alex, you made your decision okay. That's in the past, you did what you had to do. It's over, done. Okay, please leave me alone." I said as I turn and see the stars in the sky. They were shinning bright tonight. "Okay fine, just know me and her broke up." Alex said and walked away.

I just sat there looking at the sky, listening to some music that they were playing. They were actually playing really good music. The Fray - How to save a life came on. I started humming the song when I realized it was actually getting very late and I had to text Selena.

I walked up and went to the front yard, my fingers were cold, I didn't feel them. I could see my breath coming out from my nose, that's how cold it was. Since my fingers were so damn cold, I decided to type in her number. It was so cold, I was shaking typing in her number. "Why is it so damn cold??" I said basically to no one.

I texted Selena saying what time will she pick me up. I didn't get a quickly response so I groaned. Two minutes or so, I got a text from her.

I can't pick you up, I'm on tour x

Selena quit playing! Seriously come pick me up. It's cold out here.

I'm not Selena...

I looked up and hear a beep. I realized it was Selena. I quickly got in the car and told her why she was playing around with me. "I didn't text you anything. Last text I got was you telling me to buy milk." Selena said. I took out my phone ready to show her the messages when she showed me hers. Indeed there was my message telling her to buy milk. I then showed her my phone and she read the conversation as I was trying to warm up my hands. "God damn Kayla, you texted the wrong number!" My eyes widened.

Texting Niall Horan n.h (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now