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I went home and quickly went to bed. I will think about the message later when I get my full 7 hours of sleep.


I finally woke up and see that it was 9:15 a.m. in the morning. I got up and went to go shower. Finally after 20 minutes in there, I got out and changed into some light blue pants with no tank top but a bra underneath my blue checker shirt. It was comfortable like that. I also put on my white converse and put my hair in a pony tail. My hair was naturally curly so it's a little puffy. I don't mind it, just that something it is hard to straight it. I went to the kitchen and see that Selena and Mike bought me breakfast because of last night. They left a little note saying that they got caught up in what they were doing they forgot about me. Those disgusting bastards. I still have to talk to them though, I could have died last night. If they were doing something personal, which I think they did, at least they could have done was drop me off at a restaurant or at a friend's house. Like I have other friend's besides them. Nope, kidding. They could have dropped me off at a restaurant. OR they could have told me they were going to leave me and I would have taken my car or just not go at all.

Anyways, I got a reminder on my phone that I got two text messages. It was from that wrong number dude/girl. Don't know what it is so.

Wonder if Selena picked you up...
Good morning, hope you are at your home safe and sound :) x

I smiled at the message. Should I respond?? I'm going to respond.

Good morning to you too (: and yes I did get home safe and sound. Thank you for asking.

I pressed send and quickly left the message. I really do wonder who I texted yesterday. I want to ask, but I feel like that may be rude? No it can't be rude, so I should ask.

You are welcome. I just wanted t know if Selena picked you up.

She did picked me up. Late, but she did. Anyways, I want to say that I'm sorry I texted you last night, I obviously had the wrong number.

It's okay. I was on tour anyways. Ready to go on stage in 2 days. (:

Tour?? Sorry, but can I ask who it is?

Um. Soon. I promise.

I won't tell. (:

I trust you, but you really just have to wait.

I will. My life isn't very interesting, so I'll wait.

I'm sure your life is interesting.

Trust me, It's not. I'm a 19 year old girl that is looking for something to do in life.

What are you looking for in your life? You are not interested in college?

Yes, I start class in late fall. For the meantime, I want to experience something fun. I don't know. I think it is just me.

What are you going to study?

I'm going to study English Lit. I want to be a teacher for 1oth graders.

See! Your life will be exciting and interesting!

I don't know. We'll just wait and see.

I have to go, but I'll text you later oh and what's your name?

Kayla. Yours?

Save my number as "lucky charm" (:

Why lucky charm?

Texting Niall Horan n.h (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now