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It was finally Friday , our 5 month anniversary. I know it's not much, and I know that it's not a big deal, I mean for Niall it is. It's so cute. I got his presents on Thursday and he got me really cute sweaters from PINK and VS perfume. He also got me a gift card from In-n-out. He knows me so well! Hahaha.

"Blue!" I yelled Blue's name as it was time to make her eat her food. She came running out of my room, and into the kitchen. "There you go." I said as I pet her, as she started to eat her food. Blue is the most cutest, wonderful pet ever. Her eyes remind me of Niall's blue ocean eyes. Maybe thats why I called her blue. Just like Niall. She makes me think of him, again because of Blue's eyes. Haha.

You got to be kidding me!-n

I swear, she like cried the whole night, until I pet her and made her sleep on top of the bed. Not under the covers though.-k

Wow. That's my spot!-n

Omg! It is, but Blue is fixing it, she's the temporary fix, minus the sexual things. Can't believe you sound like a hoe in the song.*laughing emojis*-k

Why is everyone saying I'm a hoe in that song! I am not! *laughing emoij and crying emoji*-n

I don't know but your voice is on point!*laughing emoji*-k

Oh my god! I love that song really though. Our song;)-n

you see! you hoe-k

*laughing emojis*-n

you can call me, when you feel like-k

we'll call this what like;)-n

cochino, we just friends main-k

no we're not! ):<-n

I know! :)-k

I hate you lol -n

i love you too -k

we cute we cute-n

u r-k

omg no, but babe guess what?-n


we're going on in about 5 mins, since we took a little break performing and i gotta go. I'll call you in a bit.-n

okay, well you mean call you later cause you know , you're going to be busy.-k

yeah sure-n

okay then, adios amigo!-k



We were about to go back on, since we had change clothes, and we legit took a 5 minute break as the boys were changing. "Okay you ready?" Liam asked me. "Yes mate. I just stopped texting her." I looked at Liam. "Okay, we on." Liam said as he smiled and patted my back.

"We're baaack!" We all screamed as I got my guitar. "Alright then, everyone settle down. We need to talk." Harry said as we all gathered in a group. The fans were quieting down a bit. All these fans, all these fans supporting me till I die. All of them, just for us. Crazy how far we've gone. So thankful. Always. "We weren't going to sing this song on this concert because I don't know why. It's a beautiful song." Louis said. "We want to say thank you for everything! For everything that you've done for us, these past couple years. You literally changed us." I said as the fans started to actually get quiet. "This songs for you." Liam said. I started to play the guitar. "This is I want to write you a song." Harry said as he continued to sing. "I want to write you a song." Harry said. "I want to lend you my coat, one that's as soft as your cheek." Liam started to sing. The fans were waving their hands steady, with their flashlights on. "Everything I need I get from you. Giving back is all I wanna do." Louis sang. Beautiful his part.

"oooh. oooh." We were all sing. I was playing the guitar. The boys all smiling at eachother. "oooh. Oooh. Everything I need I get from you." Harry sang a bit louder. "Giving back is all I want!" We all started to sing.

"I want to write you a song." I said slowly. "One to make your heart remember me. So anytime I'm gone. You can listen to my voice." I said as I stopped playing the guitar and the background guitar started to play. "and sing along. I want to write you a song." I said as I got my phone ready to call Kayla. "I want to write you a song." All the boys and I started to sing. The fans started to applaud, and yell. "That was awesome boys." Liam said as he smiled.

"I just want to tell you guys something real quick." I said as I got everybody's reaction. "So there's this girl right." I said through the microphone as everyone started to scream. "Today's our 5 month anniversary. I know I know, not a big deal, so what 5 months that's it? But you guys don't know." I said as I see that Kayla was already on the line. Probably listening to everything and everyone. "But this girl! I love her. I love her. I love her. So much. " I said as all the fans started to yell. "Niall is whipped everyone!" Louis chuckled. "That's right mate!" I chuckled. "I always said that I wanted to find my princess, I always wanted to find her in the crowd, always wanted to feel wanted you know?" I said as all the fans we screaming. "Guess what guys? I found her. I found my princess." I said as I smiled. We were on FaceTime now. "I love you Kayla! I love you so much. I wish I was there for our 5 month anniversary. I love you princess." I said as I blew her a kiss in front of everyone. "Niall! Oh my god." I could hear Kayla say. "She's on camera, say hi Kayla to my other princesses." I said as I chuckled. Kayla chuckled. "Hi guys!!!" Kayla said as she is being shown on the big screen. Everyone started to yell and say hi back.

"Alright Kayla. I love you a lot, but I have to start this concert again. Looks like everyone is dying on me." I chuckled as everyone was basically still screaming. "Bye Kayla! We miss you so much! We'll bring Niall safe and sound!" The boys all crowded me. "Bye guys! I love you all and I love all your fans, and I just love everybody right now. I cant believe you did that!" Kayla said as she was smiling. The boys and I were smiling as I was about to hang up. "Bye Kayla!" The boys and I all yelled. "What you think about her?" Louis asked the fans.

"She's great huh?" Liam said as he put his arm on me. "She's perfect and Selena's perfect." Louis started to say. "Katy is also perfect. Perfect indeed." Harry smirked. All the fans went crazy. "You guys ready for another song!?" We all yelled as we started to play Temporary Fix.

"What this me being a hoe in this song?" I said as I laughed. "Saw your body language and I know how you feeling." I started to sing.



"Niall legit just called me and gave me a shoutout in front of everybody." I said as I was smiling like crazy. He told me that I'm his princess, I know he calls me that all the time, but he means it. He really does. "That's so cute." Selena and I were on the phone. "He's the best boyfriend in the whole world, Sel." I said as I was serious. "I love him." I said. "Kayla... you know." Selena said as she got me thinking about it all over again.

Niall. Fucking. Horan. gave me a shoutout right now. Holy shit. I said as I started to get all smiley again.

Too bad, it all ends soon.

Authors note: Ahhhhhhhhh.

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