twenty six

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*continuing from chapter twenty five*

We finally arrived to the apartment, getting our bags and dropping the baby formula for Selena. "Okay here it is." I said. "Thank you so much Kayla!" Selena hugged me. "What are you and Niall going to do?" Selena winked. "Nothing like that, but watch movies. or, you don't know..." I winked. "Girl, get it." Selena laughed. "Alright, see you later boo." I chuckled as I left to my apartment. Niall helped me put the things in the fridge, and he already even put the movie in.

"Ready to watch Ant-Man?" Niall smiles. "Yup." I say as I sat down next to him. I see the a bowl of popcorn, and chips in the table. "Nice." I said as I started to snuggle him. Should I try something? Noo. I shall wait. "Are you comfortable?" Niall asks me. "Yeah babe, are you?" I asked. "Yup, having my princess with me is comfortable." Niall kisses my forehead. I smile.

Niall started to kiss my forehead, going down on my neck. "Ooh Niall." I say as I smile as I'm watching the movie. "You're so pretty you know that?" Niall smiles as he kisses my neck. His head is basically on my neck. "Aw babe. You're just being sweet." I said as I start to mess with his hair. "Nope. Telling the truth." Niall then kisses my lips. We start to make out as Ant-Man is being played in the background.

"You're so good." Niall says as he lays his head on my chest. "I can feel your heart beating." Niall says. "Music to my ears." Goals. I smile as I'm messing with his hair. "I love you Kayla, I do." Niall says. "I love you too Niall. A lot." I say as I kiss his forehead. "You're the best girlfriend ever!" Niall smiles.

"You know our anniversary is coming up?" Niall says. "How could I forget?" I smiled. "I'm not going to be here though." Niall says. "I know, but it's just our 5th month anniversary. No biggie." I say. "Yes biggie. 5 months with you!" Niall chuckles. "It's fine baby." I said as I look at him. "I'm still sending something, idc." Niall shruggs as he starts to watch the movie. "Don't worry about that yet, we still got a week left." I said as I turn my attention to the movie.


"Ant-Man was so good!" I say as I look at him. "I know! When he was fighting with Hawk Eye!" Niall started to laugh. "I know right!" I said. I got up to change the movie. "Oooh. I haven't played Fifa in a long time!" I say as I took out the game out and showed Niall. "Oh my god me either!" Niall said. "Want to play?" I look at Niall evilly. "I'll beat you." I said. "I don't think so." Niall said as he chuckled at me. "Want to bet?" I said. "Bet what?" Niall says. "Um, if you win, I get to give you 5 kisses, and a back massage!" I said. "I don't usually give back massages." I look at Niall. "Hmmm. Alright alright, and if you win, I give you 10 kisses, a back massage and a other kiss." Niall says. "Alright deal." I said. "Wait what if it's a tie?" I said. "Then we both just give each other a kiss idk." Niall laughs. "Alrighty then. A fifa game it is." I said as I gave him a control. I used to play a whole lot of Fifa with Mike, I also used to play call of duty with Selena. It was the opposite for them.


"GOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed at Niall. "3-2! Suck it!" I laughed as it was the final goal. "No fair! You totally hurt my player, and that goal was totally off sides!" Niall was saying. "Nope nope excuses excuses!" I said as I laughed. "Now you get to give me 11 kisses, and a back massage!!!" I said as I put my control down and laid on my back. "Alright then. A bet is a bet." Niall says as he kisses my forehead five times, then one on my lips. "5 more kisses left." Niall says as he starts to give me a back massage. "Holy shit Niall. It. Feels. So. Good." I said as I was enjoying it. I thought he didn't know what to do, but this boy is so good. "Like that?" Niall asks. "Mhm." I murmerd. Really great. "This is the best thing ever." I laugh as I see Niall. "Anything for my princess." Niall says as he kisses my cheek. He then points out 4 fingers in my face, referring to him that he still has four left.


"Hello?" Niall was on the phone with someone. "Really right now?" Niall said again. "Alright Lou. I'll be there in about 10 minutes." Niall hangs up. "Turns out my flight is out in 30 minutes." Niall frowns. "No, I thought you said 7?" I looked at him. "I know baby. I'm sorry. Lou my hair dresser just said that they changed the times." Niall hugs me. "Aw, I'm going to miss you so much." I said. "I'll be back before you know it love!" Niall kisses me. "Alright baby. Are the other boys there?" I asked. "Harry and Liam. Louis is waiting for me outside." Niall says. "Aw." I pout. "I almost forgot, I still owe you one last kiss." Niall smiles as he holds my head and kisses me passionetly. "Going to miss those lips of yours." Niall winks. "Me as well." I chuckle as he hugs me. "I'll text you." I said. "Of course." Niall said back. "See you soon, love."

Authors note:

Noooo, Niall is leaving once again! ):

This chapter is also short af!! ): Ugh, I hate it.

But hey, atleast I updated again! No, but seriously on Monday like at 6. I will be uploading a much longer chapter. I promise!

I hope you guys are really enjoying this story. It means a lot. I'd never thought that I'd have almost 5k reads with almost 300 votes. It means a lot. Thank you so much, I love you all! <3

Don't forget to comment, vote, and share! :)

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