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"What happen to Selena?!?" I was yelling as I was seeing the doctors focusing on her. I started to tear up a bit, as I see one of the monitors going blank. I quickly went to the waiting room as I see Louis, Harry, and Katy. "Selena, she just." I said as I started to cry into Louis's shoulder. "She what Kayla?" Katy said as she starts to get teared eye. "She was fine, the baby came out, and then she just passes out, and then the monitors started beeping like crazy." I said as I controlled my crying. "Oh no." I hear Harry say as he looks at the doctor coming this way.

"Doc, Selena alright?" Louis asks. "Ah, yes. The baby is great, healthy. Selena she just passed out, she's better now." The doctor says. I let out satisfied. "Why did she pass out? Why were the monitors going crazy?" I said. "Well, when she pushing the baby out, she was bleeding a lot from the inside. Her heart did stop for a little, but she is fine now." The doctor said. "Oh my god, so Selena and the baby are fine?" Katy says. "Yes, 100 percent fine. You can go and see them in about 10 minutes." The doctor smiled at us. "Oh thank god. Thank you Doctor." Louis shook his hand. The doctor smiled.

I turned to Katy. "She scared me so much!" I said as I looked at her. "I would've too. Good thing she is fine now." Katy said as she hugged me a bit. "It was so crazy. One moment, she's pushing, the other moment we hear the baby. Then she's hugging her, and kissing her forehead. She goes, "My baby girl, Anna." and then she passes out. Right there, in front of Anna and me. She just passes out." I feel Harry's big hand on my shoulder. "It's okay, Kayla." I looked up and gave Harry a small smile.

My phone starts to ring.

"Hello Niall?" I say.

"Hey baby girl. I just landed a 30 minutes ago. I'm on my way to the hospital. Is Selena okay? Are you okay?" Niall sounds worried.

"Yes love. Everything's fine. I'll see you in a bit?" I say as I smiled as well.

"Yes of course." Niall hangs up.

"Niall's on his way." I say to Katy and Harry. "Where's Louis?" I ask. "Oh he went to go pay the bills." Harry shrugs. "What? No, I was suppose to pay for it." I say as I sit up a bit. "Don't worry about it Kayla, it's done." Louis comes and sits next to me. "Lou..." I say. "No biggie, besides I wanted to pay for it." Louis smiles as he looks at me. "Oh god, thank you so much." I say as I hugged him a bit.


I'm here love. I can't wait to see you.

I can't wait to see you either!

Babe, where are you exactly?

In the waiting room, why? I don't see you.

Yeah, it turns out there are more waiting rooms, so um where exactly hahah oops

hahah oh yeah, by the kitchen...

ahh okay

do you see us now

i'm in the elevator, I didn't know there was elevators!!!

shocking for you ahahah

okay I made it

still don't see you

check behind you
lol jk i'm not there yet

omg you little

hahahahah fooled ya!!

yesss hahaha omg

that was funny

a little

admit it




please please





jk yes<


shut up, where are you? ugh getting frustrated with you, we're about to go in and see selena and anna.

omg okay okay, i'm here forreal this time

I looked around and I seen him, walking towards us as he smiles at me, and waves at us. Aw, what a cutie. Louis and Harry get up first and hug him. "What's up mate? Missed ya." Harry says. "Missed ya too." Niall smiles, as he hugs Katy. Then he looks at me. "My baby girl!" He hugs me and kisses me. "Niall! Finally." I say as I hug him and kiss him back. "Okay, in all seriousness. Selena okay?" Niall holds my hand. "Yes, she fine." Katy gets closed to Harry. Harry smiles at Katy.

"You guys can go in and see Selena now." A nurse comes and tells us. "Thank you." We all say as we follow her to the room.


We all walked in, seeing the baby next to her, and Selena looking at us. "Selena, you bastard!" I say as I hug the shit out of her. "You scared the shit out of me!" I say. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't know I was going to pass out! I'm glad you guys all came." Selena said as I moved out the way so she can hug everyone. I walked towards Anna. She was sleeping peacefully. "Niall, you are finally here. Kayla wouldn't shut up about you." Selena laughs and she hugs him. "I know right." Niall laughs as he looks at me. "Oh be quite." I say as I smile at Anna. "She looks just like you." Louis smiles. "Right." Katy says. "Can I hold her?" I say as I looked at Selena. She nodded. "Shhhhh." I whispered as she was moving around. What a beautiful thing. I looked at Louis and he was quite fonding over her. "Want to hold her Lou?" Louis gives me this big cheeky smile as I'm handing Anna to her. I walk to Niall as I sit on his lap, looking at Louis and Selena both looking at Anna. "My parents." Katy takes a picture. Harry chuckles a bit. "Well isn't this exciting." Harry says as he smiles.

Indeed Harry, Indeed.

Texting Niall Horan n.h (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now