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I was seeing him, I was seeing him, prove that it really is him. He looked so cute! His hair was a little messy and his blue eyes shining!

"Niall! Hey"

I said trying to act normal.

"I decided to call you, if you don't mind."

"No, of course not."

"You look so pretty!"

"Thank you, you don't look bad yourself!"

I smiled and he laughed a little.

"We should do this every now and then"

"Yeah, it will be so much better than texting!"

"Yes it will."

He looked across the room, I'm guessing? He was talking to someone. I think it was Liam. It sounds like Liam?

"What are you doing mate?"

I hear Niall say, he was clearly trying to hide his phone, or if he was acting like he was texting. I quickly took a snapshot.

"Just hanging out, what about you?"

Its definitely Liam.

"Hanging too."

He said as he smiled down at me. I was just listening to him and having a huge smile on my face. Like come on, who wouldn't have a smile on there face!?!

"Anyways be right back, bro."

Niall got his earphones and was heading somewhere. I'm guessing its outside? It was dark where he was. Right here it was the afternoon.

"That was Liam. He can be annoying sometimes."

Niall chuckled.

"I figured it was him."

I also chuckled.

"Anyways, what are you doing?"

He put his earphones in.

"Currently? I'm talking to you and watching TV."

"Cool, what you watching?"

"I'm catching up on Under the Dome"

Texting Niall Horan n.h (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now