future sights

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Teacher all right  we are going to have a tournament mostly for fun this  for the whole school so let's show how strong you are keep in mind you have to fight at least once also it will be in teams of too.

The whole call: ok.

Jet: Maya  do we get to choose our panther.

Maya: yes

Teacher: jet you can  choose first.

Jet: shit umm ok

Maya: wrong

Celcus: it's the necklace.

??? Let me help with that.

Jet: glitch!

Glitch: in the flesh.

Jet: why did you take the necklace

glitch:because you don't need it anymore Your aura is being suppressed by itself.

Jet: ok.

I stand up walking up to  the teacher and tell him who I picked.

Teacher: reasonable.

I go sit back down.

??? Jet come to the principal's office.


I fly to the principal s office

Knock knock

???: Come in jet

My name is rein but  you can call me mis Sniper

Jet: ok so why am I here

Miss sinper:  you are here because the whole  school wants to fight you and if the whole school wants to fight you do you want to make it a battle Royale.

Jet: fuck it but still want Maya as my one partner.

Sniper: ok

Jet: I will see you then

I fly off to my class room.

Sniper: I hope he knows that that it also means the teacher and myself will be joining in the  second part.

Teacher: all right now everyone follows me outside.

We go outside and see  a gigantic

Teacher:Bedrock the strongest material in the galaxy we have  perfect for this occasion only the top heros have only cracked it but never broke it jet and Maya  you go in in first

Jet: right Maya you ready.

Maya: ready

Jet: here hold break this it will add protection to your body it also allows us to talk to each other.

She breaks the dragon scale as it crumbles and fuses with her skin.
Maya thanks

Maya: thank

Teacher: times up.

The gate opens.

Jet: hold my hand.

She grabs  my hand and I fly up to the limit  to the glass blub.

Do you have any ideas.

Maya: can you stale them for me so I can get all of my energy to attack them Pass.

Jet: I want you to pass that energy so I can double it once I do that i will pass it back  you will have 5 minutes in the state to use it.


Maya started hovering.

Jet: Ready.

Maya: can't they see me.

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