grandson surprise

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Jet Waking up out of his coma: How long have i out

Maya: 2 days.

Celcus: you did good at least.

Rose: you should be fully healed by tomorrow.

Jet: what the hell are you doing here.

Rose: check up on you I mean I did hit you with the the deadliest poison known in existence.

Jet: I'm going to Mai's shop to ask her for  some food.

Rose: let me check your blood

She checks by blood

Rose:yep purpleish red you need to rest no Fighting.

Mai: that funny jet never told me  he had a son.

Jet: I don't have one

Maya: what.

Jet: dragon hearing.


I walk out to Mia's shop

Mai here you can have the two sword for free.

???: thanks.

I open the door

Mai: you should be resting.

???: well my name is meko north but you can call me heth.

My name is jet nice to meet you.

We sake hands when it shake his hand a vision starts.

Maya: what should we name him.

Jet: razufkin.

Jet:so the means your my grandson.

I start crying

Meko: you ok

Jet: yea would you like to know you father name.

Meko: hell yeah what is it.

Jet: His name is razufkin.

Meko: come with me and bring your family.

I fly to grab Maya and celcus.

Jet: I have  amazing news.

Celcus: I've never seen him the excited.

Maya: yea what is it.

Jet: we have a son!

Both: what how do you know!

Jet: future sight.


Jet: that means heth/meko is our grandson! We have to go now he is taking us their to  where he is.

Celcus: I'm coming

We all met meko at Mai's shop.

Meko: you know you guys are staying their for a little while.

All of us:ok

He opens the portal to the world we walk in I hold Maya and celcus back

Both what are you doing.

Jet:their is something wrong I feel  four auras two evil ones two good I need you guys to be careful we don't know what we getting into.

I step out the portal followed by Maya and celcus.

I feel the air around me  going  through my hair I look back to see  meko gone.

Jet: follow me.

Hear meko talking to someone  while holding  some ok else. I come out the bushes to see  meko  stabbed some in the chest while  meko fight someone.

Jet: that probably razufkin i have to stop them.

They fire if beams at each other I get in the middle and stop both.

Jet: can you to stop

They stop  and try to punch each other

I move in time to block the punches.

Razufkin: you will not hurt my son!

Meko: I am you son dumbass.

Jet:Now now let's just put reko in hell and we will talk about later

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